"When here, take a look at the powerful 9/11 Memorial created by members of the FDNY EMS Academy."
December 20, 2012Medical
· Bayside, United States
7.4"This active FDNY firehouse has been featured in numerous TV shows and films, including Ghostbusters, Seinfeld and Hitch, and is one of the oldest in the city."
December 20, 2012Fire Station
· New York, United States
"This is the oldest active FDNY firehouse in NYC. Engine 26 has been in these quarters since its inception on Oct. 16, 1865, taking over the quarters of the former Valley Forge Engine 46."
December 20, 2012Fire Station
· New York, United States
"When you enter, turn to the right. You'll find a memorial dedicated to the 12 firefighters who lost their lives at the 23rd Street fire on Oct. 17, 1966."
December 20, 2012Church
· New York, United States
"The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire occurred here on March 25, 1911. The tragedy, which took 146 lives, led to new building safety laws, as well as the FDNY's fire safety & fire prevention programs."
April 19, 2012Academic Building
· New York, United States