Jeanette M. • April 4, 2015Spicy ramen w/ ground pork was fantastic. Try your ramen with additional sides (like wood mushrooms, soft boiled egg) for a couple hundred yen each! Don't forget the gyoza.
Arnt E. • October 18, 2018Really great place for an authentic experience with great Ramen for a reasonable price (cheap) to be in Ginza. Fantastic. A favorite
Tan E. • May 7, 2019Is a very good pork base ramen soup, Super delicious and value for money too. If u need extra meat just order the roasted pork for only ¥250. No regret for this before leaving Tokyo. 9/10 results.
Fuyuhiko T. • January 30, 2014The tonkotsu ramen eatery which head shop is in Hakata, Kyushu region. Enjoy thick pork bone broth and chewy texture noodle from ramen bowl. Say to staff "Nagahama Ramen !!" (長浜ラーメン) 650 yen !
Daniël L. • October 15, 2018Very good food! The ramen are one of the best, as are the gyoza. Authentic japanese ramen vibe
Guillaume P. • May 30, 2017Small and nice place in a quiet neighborhood. Very polite service. I recommend the tonkotsu ramen, very tasty.
MK C. • December 6, 2019The taste is very simple but very good. It is very hard to get the table during lunch time but u should try this noodle.
Hiroki K. • April 15, 2019期間限定のG系タンタンメン イナゴロウ ¥1000。トッピングされていたおろしニンニク、手を加えてはいたのだがこのニンニクは宜しくない。基本は担担麺と黒ごま担担麺の汁ナシ又は汁アリより。どうやら"汁ナシ"が推しのよう。四川省の農家から直接買付た四川花椒。飛びぬけた香り、痺れが、唐辛子依存系の辛さの刺激とは別もの。"痺れない"、"痺れる"、"すごく痺れる"の三段階から。
能継 上. • March 1, 2023醤油とんこつ 元(はじめ)¥980、薄皮ぎょうざ¥360、生ビール¥600銀座で野方ホープ。天井の高い小洒落た設えですね。背脂たっぷり豚骨醤油にもっちり食感の中太ちぢれ麺。マイルドなカエシと背脂でまろやか仕立て。ちょっと豆板醤とニンニク入れたくなりますね。薄皮ぎようざはミニサイズ。
Fuyuhiko T. • June 22, 2017居酒屋使いしてる人が多い中華居酒屋兼ラーメン屋。割と年配の人が多い印象。最初酒飲んで〆に5/8ラーメン食べるのがお作法か。喫煙可。
Bommy • May 30, 2017Quite possibly the best bowl of noodles in tokyo. Restaurant sits less than 10 people so there will be a line. Use the machine at the entrance to get your order ticket. Mix up noodles well and enjoy!
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