Abdal • November 26, 2013This is a Japanese Garden just besides the Four Seasons Hotel. Small but really nice
Jo • April 7, 2019Very nice little garden surrounded by the busy streets of the Tokyo dome area. They have flowers blooming in almost every season and also some historic elements.
Ronald • April 4, 2015Excellent scenic garden. You can view a variety of trees, plants and flowers at any season. The landscapes in the garden include several ponds. It's not crowed usually, ideal for a meditative walk.
The Ritz-Carlton • January 11, 2016Dotted with temples and shrines, this area is popular for nostalgic strolls and viewing old wooden architecture. Some structures have been standing for over 100 years.
K B. • April 20, 2024The exterior is fine but it’s mainly empty inside with little information explaining the history. Disappointing
Kylie W. • July 30, 2019Yes it's inside the Bunkyo Civic Centre, local government office, which seems strange to walk into at first.
Fuyuhiko T. • February 27, 2021久々に行ったら座れる場所は増えていたが背もたれのあるベンチが無くなってた。KIDSに人気の公園で砂煙が勃ちがちでゆったりしたい大人には向いてないかも。
ady • May 14, 2019It's definitely worth paying a visit during the azalea festival. A sight to behold!
Massara Nati …. • October 21, 2013江戸時代を代表する俳人松尾芭蕉(1644~1694)が、2度目の江戸入りの後、1677年から3年間この地に住んだ。 当時、旧主筋の藤堂家が神田上水の改修工事を行っていて、芭蕉はこれにたずさわり、工事現場か水番屋に住んだといわれる。 後に芭蕉を慕う人々により「龍隠庵」という家を建てたが、これが現在の芭蕉庵につながる。 その後焼失し、現在のものは第2次大戦後の建築である。
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