"You can tell the people who work here have never been to Chipotle before this one opened."
· Altoona, United States
7.7"Hundreds of people acting like they've never purchased candy before and might never have the chance to again. (although the average waistline tells a different tale)"
Candy Store
· Hershey, United States
9.0"Used to be kind of nice but is really showing its age lately. Needs to bring back the good deals or renovate to get people interested again. Time for new management maybe?"
Movie Theater
· Homestead, United States
8.3"The office staff constantly screw up, the doormen/maintenance staff are incredibly creepy, the plumbing clogs all the time, the old people who live here are crazy, and it's where the WPIC killer lived"
Home (private)
· Pittsburgh, United States
"Outbound stops include the 77, 81, 82, 83, and O12. Also, the 28X drops off (but doesn't pick up)"
· Pittsburgh, United States
"If you want to eat at a good First Watch, visit the one in Akron. This one is a poor imitation with barely anything in the omelettes and slow service."
· Pittsburgh, United States