"Clean new modern rooms, view, kind staff, turkish breakfast"
"We loved it! Kind staff, especially Arda Bey is great. Rooms are so clean. new and modern furnitures. great view. Very nice breakfast including homemade pisi (turkish donut) and borek. No elevator."
"Yemek sonrasi saat 24:00 gibi gidilip biseyler icmeli, hafif hafif dans etmeli. Yok ben baya dans edicem diyenler kapali/klimali ic kisma gecip rahat rahat dans da edebilir..."
"Beach sonrasi ugrayip birer bira icmek, meydanin hareketliligini izlemek icin harika!"
"Overrated... Just had coctails there, tasteless frozens came in 35 minutes, 30 tl for each... Nothing to talk about other then the amazing view..."
"Kanyondan ziyade siril siril bir dere ve ucunda bir selale gibi dusunun. Her yer yemyesil, suda yurumek keyifli. Saklikente gore cok daha sakin. Tesis de gayet guzel."
· Muğla, Türkiye