"The diner taqueria is just a front. Go through the secret "Employees Only" door and you'll find a very cool underground dungeon like restaurant. This place isn't as secret as it used to be."
· New York, United States
8.7"In case you don't know already, this is considered the home of NYC skate culture."
· New York, United States
6.6"This place is Heaven for nerds like me. Any sort of comic book related need you may have can be found at this store."
Comic Store
· New York, United States
8.8"This is the spot to check out large scale experimental art. The place is an old public school that was converted to an exhibit space for contemporary art."
Art Museum
· Queens, United States
8.8"A great antique's store if you aren't claustrophobic and don't mind people telling you that the pieces you enquire about are too expensive for you. It's nothing like its website."
· Brooklyn, United States
7.1"Antique Store - A little too cool for school, almost as if Freeman's did home ware, but lovely stuff nonetheless. That's probably down to the taxidermy"
· Brooklyn, United States