"Paros agnanti with the best view of paroikia with fully renovated hotel make it the meeting point for someone who search facilities services and friendly stay"
Movie Theater
· Ίλιον, Ελλάδα
"Malran oi kaliterh monada me polles leptomereies pou kanoun thn diafora k h timh katapliktikh"
"Afto to magazi kathe fora me ekplisei apo thn xwriatikh me to elliniko elaiolado tis spitikes turokroketes k tis xoirines me thn panseta panta kalopsimenes zoumeres to filiko service polu kalh epilog"
"Santouits se pswmaki terastioiooooooo"
"Poikilia glikwn sta 4 to 1 dwro k polu pagwto mastixa filiko zesto service sokolatopita kazan dipi k mastixato apsoga"