"If you are heading to terminal one, and you have time READ THE TIPS THERE! Not a great place to eat, or hang out. Eat before security. Need boarding pass stamped. Some of the airlines have hours."
International Airport
· Queens, United States
6.4"If you are reading this before you connect from another terminal: make sure to read the other tips. Eat before you go through security. You need the airline to stamp you boarding pass before sec."
· Queens, United States
"Great burgers, fabulous fries! We ate at the bar. Great service! If your thinking about the veggie burger ask question, very good, but a bit different."
· New York, United States
8.4"The water is very good here."
Event Space
· Golden Valley, United States
"This section is much better now that there is a center field jumbo-tron!"
· Minneapolis, United States
9.1"Free refills on cherry cokes and phosphates."
· Brooklyn Center, United States