Third Monday of the month they host "Mobile Monday" Interesting conversation around Mobile technology, Free Food, and Free Parking. What's not to love?
You can always park in the Compuware parking for much cheaper. Not to mention, safer. If you go to Hard Rock or Texas de Brazil, they validate your parking!
Compuware HQ is 1.1 million sq feet and 15 floors of modern, flexible and cost-effective design. In addition to world-class employee amenities, we have 55,000 sq feet of retail space. Check it out!
The Asian American Journalists Association is proud to offer our annual Media Access training. Come learn how to get under-covered communities into the news: 9 a.m. to noon, Friday (Aug. 12). Read more
Compuware Corporation, the technology performance company, provides software, experts and best practices to ensure technology works well and delivers value. Compuware solutions make the world's most important technologies perform at their best for leading organizations worldwide.