"Don't forget to visit Tom's Restaurant on Broadway and 112th (the Seinfeld Restaurant). Want to know where else students hang out and what life is like on campus, CollegeSolved can help with that..."
Administrative Building
· New York, United States
"No trip to UNC is complete without a visit to the Old Well and Franklin Street. Want to know what else students do on campus...ask them directly - we can help..."
Administrative Building
· Chapel Hill, United States
"Don't forget to visit Toomer's Corner - site of every Tiger football victory celebration - Want to know what students say about football, dorms or social life at Auburn...we can help!"
Administrative Building
· Auburn, United States
"Did you know? Driving the wrong way around the chapel is an "unofficial grad requirement" - maybe wait until you get in though. Maybe we can help..."
Administrative Building
· Durham, United States
"U of M is consistently one of the top-rated public colleges in the US--and hardest to get in to. Maybe we can help..."
· Ann Arbor, United States
"You probably already know that the Harvard admissions rate was 6.1% in 2011. Yikes, that's competitive! Maybe we can help..."
Administrative Building
· Cambridge, United States