"Baby swings, a ship-shaped play structure, and a much-loved zero-depth wading pool for wee ones—all within walking distance of the Junior Museum, Children's Theatre, and Library. What's not to like?"
· Palo Alto, United States
8.7"For once, the baby play area isn't an afterthought—they have their own building here, a warren of tunnels, soft crawl spaces, and water-filled cushions just for the littlest explorers!"
· Sausalito, United States
8.7"This cozy local favorite boasts paints, pulleys, and water play for preschoolers...and an adorable, fenced-in play "garden" for small babies."
Arts & Entertainment
· Berkeley, United States
6.7"This beloved children's science center boasts a separate floor for preschoolers! There's even a special playroom so small babies can explore soft toys and carpeted ramps just for them."
· San Jose, United States
8.5"Expose baby to colorful fish and splashing tide pool water! When you both need a break, the big, plushly carpeted baby playroom (with age-appropriate toys) offers a quiet place to snack or even doze."
Science Museum
· San Francisco, United States