"sons of Pullman porters And sons of engineers Ride their father's magic carpets of steel. Mothers with their babes asleep, Are rockin' to the gentle beat And the rhythm of the rails is all they dream"
· Jersey City, United States
"The lake is full of gators."
"A strange little gas station… Found inside a convenience mart on the first floor of a fine office building."
Convenience Store
· Phoenix, United States
5.9"The coconut pancakes were winking at me, so I winked back. We took the next step, and we now have a complicated yet fulfilling relationship. She is always there when I need her (CASH only...)"
· Scottsdale, United States
7.1"Not many places in the neighborhood for a business breakfast. Food is reliable. Buffet is fast. Staff is friendly. Go for it."
· Phoenix, United States
6.6"All News...All the Time"
Coworking Space
· Phoenix, United States