If you want to experience Soviet style apartment feeling with a really cheap drink/beer, goota come here. Bartenders eye-measure alcohol and sometimes it can be very strong. Hope you get the couches.
It's a soviet living room with a touch of punk! You immediately feel like being home.They have this weird but tasty Medalus / Honey beer and for my Club Mate addicted german friends! They have it!
One of the best places to play your unplugged show in! Always stock full with people. Madly popular among locals and seems like this bar never actually closes up!
Business lunch is very good considering the 4 EUR price. BrewDog beer as well as some other good bottled beers. Cheap food and drinks. Not that good selection on tap.
there is a riddle that relates to Leningrad, if you solve it you win 3 beers at Leningrad! check this out: http://www.playriga.com/index/riddles-and-miracles/first-riddle
Loads of inspiring music, live bands, music events and concerts. A passel of warming drinks and spirits make sure you enjoying the festivities of the night.