Cacau Machado

Cacau Machado

Curitiba, Brasil
  • 2 Tips
  • 41 Following
  • 7 Lists

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Cacau's Top Cities
São Paulo
1 List Created
1 List Created
1 List Created · 2 Tips
Cacau's Recent Lists
Cacau Machado
20 places updated January 25, 2015
20 places including Dona Ambrosina, Armazém Dom Pedro, Santa Calábria, Croasonho
Cacau Machado
0 places updated December 3, 2011
0 places
Cacau Machado
23 places updated
23 places including Don Max, New York Cafe, Largo da Ordem, Café do Paço
Cacau Machado
161 places updated
161 places including L'epicerie, Restaurante do Ruy, Sheridan's Irish Pub, Petit Château
Cacau's ListsLists Cacau CreatedLists Cacau Followed
"Melhor unhas de acrílico de Curitiba!! Feitas pela Laureane! Amei!!"
Cacau MachadoCacau Machado · January 1, 2019
Hair Salon
· Curitiba, Brasil
"Não peçam o bolinho de carne seca!! Horrível!!"
Cacau MachadoCacau Machado · April 18, 2016
· Curitiba, Brasil