There are few things that will make you appreciate grocery stores like trying to throw a hunting spear. Take a group of 10, and the staff will let you throw atl atls. Read more
Use your Memphis City Saver coupon to receive one free admission when a second admission of equal or greater value is purchased (up to $5 Value). Not valid for group rates.
Did you know? Artifacts dating as far back as 3000 years have been found at Chucalissa, but evidence indicates that the first town was likely founded around 1000 C.E. (A.D) Read more
Operated by the University of Memphis, the C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa is located on a Mississippian Ceremonial Mound Complex and archaeological site. Tours include the exhibit hall, introductory video, hands-on archaeology lab, outside mounds, gardens, and nature trail.