"They may be honda and acura specialist, but they do great work on all types of cars. You'll never get scammed either. This is VERY honest business"
Auto Repair
· San Diego, United States
"You can save time by calling the store and having them hold items for you to come in and purchase. Also some sales can also be made over the phone and delivered to ur house!"
· San Diego, United States
6.1"www.sdaff.org to get all the info about the san diego asian film festival happening in october"
Non-Profit Organization
· San Diego, United States
"In the cafe area there are nooo outlets. Be ready to use ur computers battery life"
· San Diego, United States
8.0"Lots of newbs here. Cute girls though :)"
· San Diego, United States
7.7"I heard the mayor cant hang"
Home (private)
· Escondido, United States