"I grew up here. It's known as The Fort. I was born here on one of the side streets at base of the Fort. Over 50 years ago. It's the best safe place to raise a family. On this side of Roxbury."
· Boston, United States
"We used to ride our bikes around the the Fort and on a hot summer day or night go up there and eat while enjoying a cool breeze."
· Boston, United States
"I went to 5th grade here and my girls went to elementary school here too."
Elementary School
· Roxbury, United States
"I learned to ice skate here when I was a kid. Al so learned to swim at the pool. It was a fun place to meet your friends. That was 50 years ago!"
Skating Rink
· Roxbury, United States
"Liquor store plus it's a bodega. It's the only store with in a quarter mile of my house here at the bottom of the Fort. It opens 9am. They have an ok selection of groceries. Stuff you run out of."
Convenience Store
· Roxbury, United States