"International festival of hip hopdancetheatre BREAKIN' CONVENTION takes place from 13-16 June 2013 bringing the illest dancers from around the block and around the world!"
"Here for Serious About Street Dance? Make sure you check out Breakin' Convention this May 2012, at Sadler's Wells and continuing across the UK throughout! See www.breakinconvention.com for more info!"
"Breakin' Convention's Jonzi D (@JonziD) is a judge on rotation here for the street dance battles at The Jump Off, every second and fourth Monday of the month."
"Catch the UK B-Boy Championships World Finals here in October and find out which crew, soloist, popper and lockers will reign supreme as World Champion!"
"Breakin' Convention 2012, the international festival of hip hoptheatre takes place here from 2 June! For more information visit www.breakinconvention.com"
"Breakin' Convention 2012, the international festival of hip hop theatre takes place here from 31 May! For more information visit www.breakinconvention.com"