Great house g+t. Jam packed on weekends, usually spinning the hits I like (example: the cure, the smiths, fugazi if you're lucky) dance floor up in the back. Great for groups. A favorite in Oakland.
Possibly the best barstaff in the city and certainly the most engaging. Precision-made craft cocktails offered without pretension to a friendly, diverse crowd gathered in a prime downtown location.
strong, but well mixed pour here from the barkeeps, and great diverse crowd (locals, hipsters, suits). reminds me a bit of the dove bar in the village (NY) - which is a good thing. i like.
A Mad Men set design meets modern day hipsters. I love this bar but avoid Friday & Saturday nights. This is the spot for a quiet drink with a friend on a random weekday.
Looks generic on the outside, but low-lighted (dare say I sexy?) space inside. Diverse crowd -- my BF and I can sit all close, arm-in-arm and nobody pays attention at all. They spin vinyl too!
Excellent bartenders who can make drinks to suit any palette. Strong music selection and warm, cozy atmosphere that offers a strong counterpoint to the modern, sterile drink warehouse.