Best airport in maine. I come from boston and seeing logan what a breath of fresh air this airport is. Everything is close together and easy to check in
Ha ha, I have never been in a more quaint international airport in my life and I grew up in New England too. Eat before arriving, the food is awful and takes forever. Cute little unique gift shops!
Very friendly TSA staff. Lady was apologetic for being unable to allow my Greek yogurt through that was too big, gave me the opportunity to exit the checkpoint to eat it, then hop back in.
Maybe it's because I'm not used to small airports, but BGR is the most friendly and laid backairport I've ever been to. Left car in wrong spot, they came looking for me and asking nicely to re-park))
Find Monty the Moose and snap a photo! Travelers the world over frequently spot Monty, shoot his picture, and email them to Bangor International. Read more
Check out for information while you're here! Pick up your official Bangor Guide from the information kiosk by the baggage claim
Again TSA is awful. What was the point of rushing to get here 2 hours before flight time. When they won't get you they won't check you through security an hour before flight.