Lincoln Square offers lots of good dinner options at reasonable prices. By virtue of its menu’s sheer length and ample patio, Bad Dog comes out a winner more often than not. Read more
Free Wi-Fi. There's no wifi password either. Enjoy it while you grab a bite or a drink on the lovely little patio. :) And say something nice to your server for bonus karma points.
Dogs are welcome on the patio and they’ll hang a framed photo of your pooch on their Hall of Fame wall. Plenty of HDTVs keep you tuned in to your favorite teams.
Had a great dinner here after a show at the Old Town School. Good food and drinks, and not so raucous you can't have a conversation. (via Scoville) Read more
If the busboy was are server the service would've been great. I was going to tip him, but the server autogratuitied us so it ended up going to her. She SUCKED, and the food wasn't anything special.