"Only tried their same-titled Picnic Bistro pizza and it was awesome. Best pizza in town along with Jurgis ir Drakonas. A hipster-ish, friendly place with craft beer on the offer. Space for kids too."
"Fantastic serene place just a few feet away off of the autobahn. I'd go to it if it had opened in Vilnius."
"Geruliai krosanai ir 'sraigutė'. Paniniai irgi ok."
"Nu, skanu. Wontonuose daugoka sviesto, bandelės prie sriubos ne pirmo šviežumo, antyje nežinia ką daro keletas pasiklydusių aviečių, bet -- skanu."
· Nida, Lietuva
6.7"Usually the best varškėtukai in the universe. But not always."
"Favourite dining spot. Nothing spectacular, always easy and comforting. The nutty fish filet never disappoints."