28 places updated February 27, 2023
Lugares para vivir Chiclayo de noche
22 places updated December 7, 2018
Chifitas en Chiclayo.
17 places updated November 6, 2019
17 places including Venecia, Pizza Hut, CIX Pizzas y Hamburguesas, Toscana
23 places updated February 27, 2023
A list where you can find the best places in Chiclayo to eat a good ceviche.
9 places updated May 2, 2018
9 places including Pollos Panda, Al Carbón, El Kikiriki, El Trinchero
26 places updated July 17, 2021
Best places in Chiclayo to have chelitas or tragos tranqui. Restobars are included.