SW developer at Deutsche Börse, former student of CTU FIT and University of Helsinki. Member of AEGEE Europe who loves to travel and blogs occasionally.
"Konečně nějaká konkurence pro Dish. Ten je za mě zatím asi stále na prvním místě, tohle je ale taky super.Velké plus, že se to dá komfortně sníst a celý se to po dvou kousancích nerozpadá."
"Would have been a nice public beach if it wasn't for the parking ransom you have to pay. I don't get why police is allowing it. Mafia / begging is not legal in most countries."
"Would have been a nice park if it wasn't for the parking ransom you have to pay.Don't get why police is allowing it in the most visited park of Costa Rica.Mafia/begging is not legal in most countries."