"Newark State of Mind = a good beer. There’re malt and hops, with a dry aroma. The balance is exactly right. Light, airy, but breezy after-taste. Second choice is In Medias. It is full-blown hops,"
· Newark, United States
8.2"I want to take you by the hand and make you understand, Amanda."
· Newark, United States
7.7"This place is immaculately clean. I even vacuum under the oven."
Home (private)
· Wilmington, United States
"Being a lawyer is absolutely awesome and well worth the drudgery of three years with the nose in the books after college, even even well worth the concomitant student loans."
Law School
· Wilmington, United States
"Mayor's special doesn't work either. They give me the same glazed deer in headlights look."
· Wilmington, United States
6.2"50 beers to choose from, all of which change from time to time and I always enjoy coming to see my favorite bartender, beautiful Beth!"
· Glen Mills, United States