"Originally founded as Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Phi, Omicron Deuteron was chartered as a chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi on May 6, 1947. OD was rechartered in 2004, marking the beginning of a new era."
"AEPi established its presence in the Lone StarState when it founded Gamma Deuteron on May 7, 1939. The chapter thrived at the University of Texas Austin and continues to make an impression on campus."
"After years of attempts, the Upsilon Kappa Chapter was installed at the University of Connecticut on April 7, 1956. The Chapter was re-founded in 1995 and remains active on the UConn campus."
"In August of 2012, over 500 members of Alpha Epsilon Pi will come to the Arizona Biltmore to celebrate the Jewish Fraternity's 99th Anniversary Convention."