Here are some popular tips in Polanco. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Polanco to go with friends:

  • 9.4

    Santa Clara

    Ice Cream Parlor Masaryk Mexico City, Mexico City

    People also say (59 tips):

    • Ina L.
      Ina Li: "Gluten free ice cream chains that offer rich flavors and friendly portions! Recommend"
  • 9.3

    Parque Lincoln

    Park Av. Emilio Castelar Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City

    People also say (331 tips):

    • Cori S.
      Cori Scott: "Great place to walk your dog and get in tune with nature :) also, VERY yummy restaurants nearby."
  • People also say (5 tips):

    • Quike C.
      Quike Celaya: "Me encanta todo, su cafetería, excelente, buen detalle de esta sucursal. Descansas, te refrescas, te ofrecen agua, café o té, un descanso de tu caminata por Masaryk"
  • 9.2

    Cabanna Restaurant

    Seafood Restaurant Av. Presidente Masaryk 134, Polanco Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City

    People also say (367 tips):

    • memo r.
      memo ruizcornejo: "The burrito “mar y tierra” is my favourite. Taco “bonnito” is good too. Have tried a couple of pizzas and I would suggest ordering something else."
  • 9.2


    Ice Cream Parlor Av. Emilio Castelar 107H Mexico City, Mexico City

    People also say (34 tips):

    • Kandu T.
      Kandu Tapia: "The ice creams are handmade with very good flavor and with natural ingredients. A very good option for those who love ice cream. There are people waiting, but the line moves fast and it's worth it."
  • 9.0

    Regency Club

    Lounge Campos Eliseos 204 Mexico City, Mexico City

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Tim P.
      Tim Pressman: "40th floor so great views. A solid breakfast and the evening has light grazing and several desserts. It’s busy."

People are talking about these places in Polanco:

  • 9.2

    Ben & Frank #CuatroOjos

    Eyecare Store Newton 42 Ciudad de México, CDMX

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Homar S.
      Homar Sánchez: "Extraordinario lugar. Es el primer servicio típico pero de nueva generación que aprovecha lo mejor de la tecnología para cambiar radicalmente la experiencia de usuario."
    • Jess R.
      Jess Ruiz: "Es uno de los tres lugares donde puedes ver todas las opciones de anteojos con las que cuentan. Ahí mismo te pueden hacer el examen de la vista sin costo, pero lo mejor es hacer una cita antes."
  • 9.2

    El Palacio de Hierro

    Shopping Mall Av. Moliere 222 Mexico City, Mexico City

    People also say (320 tips):

    • Dama M.
      Dama Mrno: "Nice, elegant and fancy. Good selection of organic food and great fashion brands. Moreover, the terrace is a must."
    • Ed G.
      Ed G: "Even though it's a fashion mall, there's a food court in a nice terrace with great views of this part of the city. Worth the visit."
  • 9.3

    El Palacio de los Palacios

    Department Store Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City

    People also say (99 tips):

    • Emiliano M.
      Emiliano Méndez: "Nice store in the middle of Polanco with many brands from NY and the U.K. - there's also a nice food terrace for lunch."
    • A. L.
      A. Lozada: "This is not a department store. It's an open mall with a fancy name. Navigation inside is a nightmare, and their touch screens are no real help. This expensive brand behemoth manages to feel cramped."

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