Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Jakarta to go with friends:

People are talking about these places in Jakarta:

  • 9.1


    Coffee Shop ÆON Mall, Jakarta Garden City, Ground Floor, Main Lobby Cakung Barat, Jakarta

    People also say (3 tips):

  • 9.0


    Coffee Shop Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, The Gallery Blok 8 Jakarta, Jakarta

    People also say (10 tips):

    • alip b.
      alip blog: " "
    • Frans A.
      Frans Adhitya: "Greentea latte"
  • 9.3

    Burger King

    Fast Food Restaurant Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafi’i Jakarta, Jakarta

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Juand L.
      Juand LTobing: "Always loved this fast-food joint than others. And the location is so easy to find."
    • Grace A.
      Grace Alexandra: "Wifi is very fast. Serve is good. Chicken is so tasty"

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