Here are some popular tips in Casco Antiguo. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Casco Antiguo to go with friends:

  • 8.5

    Café Botánico

    Coffee Shop C. Santiago, 5 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (98 tips):

    • Michael J.
      Michael Johnston: "Friendly service. Nice coffee. Broad selection of tasty looking cakes. We sampled the lemon cake which hit the mark. Nice place for an afternoon "fly cup"."
  • 9.0

    Plaza del Pilar

    Plaza Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (93 tips):

    • Finn B.
      Finn B: "Massive plaza. Actually the biggest in western Europe. See if you can guess what the fountain is symbolizing. Hint: It's a map of a continent."
  • 8.6


    Pizzeria Coso, 33 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (33 tips):

    • Hakan N.
      Hakan Nigar: "It's an amazing place to have really tasty and cheap Pizzas 😎 also crepes !!! It's much better to have your pizza outside 😉"
  • 8.5

    Museo Goya

    Art Museum Espoz y Mina 23 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Andrew L.
      Andrew Litvak: "The collection of Goya’s drawings - and the explanations of their meaning - makes this well worth a visit."
  • 8.3


    Gourmet Store Torre Nueva, 29 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (18 tips):

    • Edward Chi-Hyun P.
      Edward Chi-Hyun Park: "great wine selection, food is authentic, deli section is impressive, but most of all the service is spectacular. it's not easy to find venues friendly to foreign visitors in Zaragoza"
  • 8.2


    Beer Bar C/ Casto Méndez Núñez, 36 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (13 tips):

    • Petr J.
      Petr J.: "Great beer pub! Populus APA was my favorite (€5.50 for larger glass)."

People are talking about these places in Casco Antiguo:

  • 9.2

    Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar

    Church Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (84 tips):

    • Evan W.
      Evan Weinman: "A beautiful and large cathedral with a humongous stones carved statue. Worth going just to see the architecture m"
    • Leo D.
      Leo DW8R: "Very impressive church. If you want to take a picture inside, watch out for the guards ..."
  • 8.5

    Méli Mélo

    Tapas Restaurant Mayor, 45 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (76 tips):

    • Pauline D.
      Pauline D'Haene: "Díos Mio! I would come back to Zaragoza only to eat at this place. I wish I could've stayed longer to try all the tapas. Best tapas I've ever had, seriously!!"
    • Alexandra G.
      Alexandra G.: "All the tapas are really delicious! You have to try that one with cheese and marmelade!"
  • 8.4

    Distrito México

    Mexican Restaurant Calle de José Pellicer Ossau, 1 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (11 tips):

    • Markus D.
      Markus Düttmann: "Awesome food, sympathetic staff. Don't leave without trying the Margarita."
    • Javier
      Javier: "Todo buenísimo siempre y muy buen trato. Prueba la michelada para beber, cerveza con zumo de tomate, picante o no. La enchilada verde buenisima, pregunta si tienen, no aparece en la carta."

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