Disgusting Food Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

1. Disgusting Food Museum

Östergatan 12, Malmö, Skåne län
Museum · Lugnet · 3 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Jonasson: Great and fun exhibition. Try to taste as much as you can.

Deutsches Currywurst Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

2. Deutsches Currywurst Museum

Schützenstr. 70 (Friedrichstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Museum · Friedrichstadt · 36 tips and reviews

Per V.Per Vinther: Funny small museum with currywurst trivia and you can as part of the entrance fee get 3 different tastings on currywurst. Gang schön!

Museum of Ice Cream is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

3. Museum of Ice Cream

1 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA
Art Museum · Downtown San Francisco-Union Square · 20 tips and reviews

Mark C.Mark Castillo: Don't miss the secret room by the unicorn

Canadian Potato Museum PEI is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

4. Canadian Potato Museum PEI

1 Dewar Ln (Parkview), O'Leary, PE
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

CNNCNN: Highlights include the world's largest exhibition of potato-related farm machinery and the world's largest potato sculpture. Read more.

5. Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD)

62 Bayard St (btw Lorimer & Leonard), Brooklyn, NY
Museum · Williamsburg · 10 tips and reviews

GothamistGothamist: Evolving from mobile exhibitions blowing up grains to make cereal to a physical lab space, MOFAD is the definition of what the New York Times called "not just hands-on, but tongue-on and nostrils-on." Read more.

Cupnoodles Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

6. Cupnoodles Museum

中区新港2-3-4, 横浜市, 神奈川県
Museum · みなとみらい21 · 73 tips and reviews

Kirill S.Kirill Solovjov: A very cool museum devoted to the inventor of instant noodles, Momofuku Ando. Design your own noodles' taste and package, and take the result home - or enjoy the world noodle varieties at the cafe!

7. Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

港北区新横浜2-14-21, 横浜市, 神奈川県
Theme Restaurant · 新横浜 · 107 tips and reviews

Tako H.Tako Hisada: Ramen is not the only thing this museum has to offer. The inside is set up to replicate the buildings from the Showa-era (1950's-60's) and you get to see what Japan was like back then. Read more.

National Mustard Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

8. National Mustard Museum

7477 Hubbard Ave (at Parmenter St.), Middleton, WI
History Museum · Downtown Middleton · 23 tips and reviews

Andrew L.Andrew Littlefield: This is one of those things that sounds ridiculous, but in actuality is AWESOME. Well, it is ridiculous, but it's really fun. Lots of delicious mustard and knowledge you didn't know you needed.

Museum Kimchikan is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

9. Museum Kimchikan

종로구 인사동길 35-4, 서울특별시, 서울특별시
Museum · 인사동 · 10 tips and reviews

Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries: A fun place to learn all about the spicy staple that is Kimchi. Some fun displays and most signs also have English. Best part is taking a kimchi-making lesson complete with tasting.

Museu de la Xocolata is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

10. Museu de la Xocolata

C. del Comerç, 36 (C. de la Princesa), Barcelona, Catalunya
Museum · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 82 tips and reviews

Apartment BarcelonaApartment Barcelona: Did you know the Chocolate Museum offers a chocolate & Cava tasting?! Dig in...

Gingerbread Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

11. Gingerbread Museum

Nerudova 9, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Candy Store · Hradčany · 18 tips and reviews
Jell-O Gallery Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

12. Jell-O Gallery Museum

23 E Main St, Le Roy, NY
History Museum · 6 tips and reviews

KellyKelly: Such an amazing little museum! I got so wrapped up in the awesomeness of this museum that I left with a lobster-shaped mould, lol. What I wouldn't give to buy the rights to Jell-O for $35!

Cork Butter Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

13. Cork Butter Museum

The Tony O’Reilly Centre, O’Connell Sq, Shandon, Cork, Co Cork
Museum · Shandon · 4 tips and reviews

Brendan L.Brendan Lewis: They play a commercial for Kerrygold Brand butter that's thinly disguised as a documentary, but it's still quite interesting

TsingTao Beer Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

14. TsingTao Beer Museum

登州路56号, 青岛市, 山东
Museum · 31 tips and reviews

Deni Dickson S.Deni Dickson Snyder: It's a must see. Typical Chinese museum. Not very maintained but the exhibits are funny. Beer and nuts at the end. The bottle and packaging at the end it the best part.

Spam Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

15. Spam Museum

1101 N Main St, Austin, MN
Museum · 14 tips and reviews

C. L.C. L.: Sooooo worth it. Free. Fun museum. Silly, affordable gift shop complete with all spam flavors.

Southern Food & Beverage Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

16. Southern Food & Beverage Museum

1504 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd, New Orleans, LA
Museum · Central City - Garden · 9 tips and reviews

Andrew C.Andrew C: YAAAS this museum is all about food, and some drinks - full of local artifacts, history, and items from each Southern state!!! You're allowed to buy drinks from attached bar and walk around the space!

Amsterdam Cheese Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

17. Amsterdam Cheese Museum

Prinsengracht 112, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Museum · Jordaan · 43 tips and reviews

Julia K.Julia Khusainova ✨: Make sure to check out downstairs for history of cheesemaking.

Idaho Potato Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

18. Idaho Potato Museum

Blackfoot, ID
Museum · 9 tips and reviews

Chris P.Chris Pawluk: Great little museum, lots to learn. The kids were interested as well. Totally worth a visit.

Spicy's Spice Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

19. Spicy's Spice Museum

(Spicy's Gewürzmuseum)
Am Sandtorkai 34, Hamburg, Hamburg
Museum · Am Sandtorkai · 16 tips and reviews

Best Western Central EuropeBest Western Central Europe: Smell, see and taste the spices of the world at this unique museum. Read more.

Dr Pepper Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

20. Dr Pepper Museum

300 S 5th St (at Mary Ave), Waco, TX
Museum · Downtown Waco · 37 tips and reviews

Mary!Mary!: Created right here in Waco at the Old Corner Drug Store. Learn about the history of sodas, DP, and even Waco. Then, get a genuine DP from a soda jerk like they used to do at 10, 2,& 4.

World of Coca-Cola is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

21. World of Coca-Cola

121 Baker St NW (at Pemberton Pl), Atlanta, GA
Museum · Downtown Atlanta · 533 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: It opened in 2007, relocating from & replacing the original exhibit which opened in 1991. More than 1,200 artifacts from around the world that were never displayed to the public before are featured.

Hengshun Vinegar Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

22. Hengshun Vinegar Museum

镇江, 江苏
Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo del Parmigiano Reggiano is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

23. Museo del Parmigiano Reggiano

Via Volta 5 (Corte Castellazzi), Soragna, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 1 tip

Fattorie AperteFattorie Aperte: 5-12-19 maggio: mostra permanente ospitata all’interno di un vecchio casello. Ripercorre la storia e le tradizioni legate al “Re dei formaggi”. Read more.

24. Asparagus Museum Schlukendorf

(Spargelmuseum Schlunkendorf)
Kietz 36, Schlunkendorf, Brandenburg
History Museum · No tips or reviews

25. Niedersächsische Spargelmuseum

Leinstraße 4, Nienburg/Weser, Niedersachsen
Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo del Prosciutto is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

26. Museo del Prosciutto

Via Bocchialini 7, Langhirano, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: come discover the production techniques, machineries and secrets behind Parma Ham at the Museo del Prosciutto [open Fri to Sunday 10am-6pm, on weekdays booking is required]

Bread and Art Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

27. Bread and Art Museum

(Museum Brot und Kunst)
Salzstadelgasse 10, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Laurel R.Laurel Robbins: Ask for the free audio guide in English, very helpful.

28. Absinthe Museum

823 Royal St, New Orleans, LA
Museum · French Quarter · No tips or reviews
Musée de l'Absinthe is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

29. Musée de l'Absinthe

44 rue Alphonse Callè, Auvers-sur-Oise, Île-de-France
Museum · No tips or reviews
Big Mac Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

30. Big Mac Museum

9061 US Hwy 30, North Huntingdon Township, PA
History Museum · No tips or reviews
International Banana Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

31. International Banana Museum

98775 Highway 111, Mecca, CA
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

Talisa C.Talisa Chang: Open Friday to Monday, noon till sundown. $1 admission, refunded with a purchase.

32. Maine Coast Sardine History Museum

34 Mason Bay Rd (RT 187), Jonesport, ME
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Chocolate Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

33. Chocolate Museum

Am Schokoladenmuseum 1a, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Museum · Altstadt-Süd · 134 tips and reviews
Corte di Giarola is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

34. Corte di Giarola

Strada Giarola, 9, Collecchio, Emilia-Romagna
Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Corte di Giarola stands on the ancient Via Francigena: It became a monastery during the XI Cent and was transformed in a farm during the Napoleonic period. It currently hosts the Museo del Pomodoro

Culinary Archives & Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

35. Culinary Archives & Museum

315 Harborside Blvd (Johnson & Wales University - Harborside Campus), Providence, RI
Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Miquel SVMiquel SV: Not open to the general public anymore.

Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

36. Chuck Williams Culinary Arts Museum

500 1st St, Napa, CA
Museum · Central Napa · No tips or reviews
Whiskymuseum auf der Kyrburg is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

37. Whiskymuseum auf der Kyrburg

Auf der Kyrburg 1, Kirn, Rheinland-Pfalz
Museum · 1 tip

ClarissaClarissa: Ein rundum gelungener Abend beim Whisky Tasting. Sehr gutes Essen, tolles Rahmenprogramm und gemütliches Ambiente.

38. Irish Whiskey Museum

119 Grafton St, Dublin, Dublin City
History Museum · South-East Inner City · 36 tips and reviews

Clark W.Clark Winslett: The VIP tour is totally worth it. 4 whiskeys to taste and a souvenir glass. Owen was my tour guide and he was superb. Michael was the bartender and he made the experience fantastic.

PEZ Visitor Center is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

39. PEZ Visitor Center

35 Prindle Hill Rd, Orange, CT
Candy Store · 27 tips and reviews

Scott N.Scott Nicely: Great place to make you smile a little and get hopped up on sugar!:)

Het Hollands Kaasmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

40. Het Hollands Kaasmuseum

Waagplein 2 (Waaggebouw), Alkmaar, Noord-Holland
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Mariana O.Mariana Oud: Leuk voor een uurtje. Een paar leuke activiteiten voor kinderen. Als ze al eens op een kaasboerderij zijn geweest leren ze hier niet veel nieuws

Pizza Brain is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

41. Pizza Brain

2313 Frankford Ave (btwn York St & Dauphin St), Philadelphia, PA
Pizzeria · North Philadelphia · 74 tips and reviews

Mike C.Mike Chau: Always a must, this pizza shop is dubbed the World's First Pizza Museum. With jumbo slices and tons of great memorabilia to keep you entertained while you wait, get any slice available on rotation.

Hoard Historical Museum National Dairy Shrine's Visitors Center is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

42. Hoard Historical Museum National Dairy Shrine's Visitors Center

401 Whitewater Ave, Fort Atkinson, WI
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

Hoard's D.Hoard's Dairyman: National Dairy Shrine brings together dairy producers, scientists, students, educators, marketers and others who share a desire to preserve our dairy heritage and keep the dairy industry strong.

Herring Era Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

43. Herring Era Museum

Snorragata 10, Siglufjörður, Norðurland Eystra
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Ondřej O.Ondřej Odcházel: Unique history museum with very real exposition of herring times.

44. Salt & Pepper Shaker Museum

461 Brookside Village Way (Hwy 321), Gatlinburg, TN
Museum · 8 tips and reviews

A S.A S: This place is amazing!!! Such a quirky museum with a wide variety of salt and pepper shakers. You can easily spend hours looking at everything on display.

45. German Food Additives Museum

(Deutsches Zusatzstoffmuseum)
Banksstr. 28, Hamburg, Hamburg
Museum · Hammerbrook · 3 tips and reviews

にこらすにこらす: Kleine, aber interessante Ausstellung. Unbedingt die kostenfreie Führung mitmachen! Die macht den Besuch erst richtig lohnenswert.

Teng Feng Fish Ball Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

46. Teng Feng Fish Ball Museum

新北市淡水區中正路117號, 台北市
Museum · No tips or reviews
European Asparagus Museum Schrobenhausen is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

47. European Asparagus Museum Schrobenhausen

(Europäisches Spargelmuseum)
Am Hofgraben 1A, Schrobenhausen, Bayern
Museum · No tips or reviews
Tabasco Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

48. Tabasco Museum

Hwy 329, Avery Island, LA
History Museum · 1 tip
European Bread Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

49. European Bread Museum

(Europäisches Brotmuseum)
Göttinger Str. 7, Ebergötzen, Niedersachsen
History Museum · 1 tip

Michael B.Michael Brakemeier: Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Samstag 9:30 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr. Sonntag und Feiertags 9:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr. Montags Ruhetag

The World of Chocolate Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

50. The World of Chocolate Museum

11701 International Dr, Orlando, FL
Museum · 18 tips and reviews

Alyssa A.Alyssa Alvarez: Not as hoakie as it seems. Very informative, very intereating tour. GREAT chocolate!

Schokomuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

51. Schokomuseum

Willendorfer Gasse 2-8, Wien, Wien
Museum · Inzersdorf · 3 tips and reviews
Lunch Box Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

52. Lunch Box Museum

3218 Hamilton Rd (33rd St), Columbus, GA
Museum · No tips or reviews
Tteok and Kitchen Utensil Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

53. Tteok and Kitchen Utensil Museum

Seoul-si Jongno-gu Waryong-dong 164-2, 종로구, 서울특별시
Other Great Outdoors · 종로1.2.3.4가동 · 1 tip

Ross W.Ross WS: The first floor houses the Tteok Cafe where one can essentially purchase and eat every variety of Tteok known to mankind pretty much.

54. Ye Ol' Watering Hole & Beer Can Museum

287 Pleasant St, Northampton, MA
Beer Garden · 8 tips and reviews

Merlin C.Merlin Cafarella: One of the greatest dive bars in New England, with a beer can museum, enough pool tables to go around, and screwdrivers that are made with fresh squeezed orange juice.

Sheppy's Cider Museum & Farm Shop is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

55. Sheppy's Cider Museum & Farm Shop

Three Bridges, Taunton, Somerset
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

James S.James Smith: Lovely little farm, £3 for small museum is very acceptable. Staff very friendly and informative whilst providing the free samples. Excellent place to pop in!

56. Beelitzer Spargelmuseum

Mauerstr. 12, Beelitz, Brandenburg
Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo de la Sidra is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

57. Museo de la Sidra

Plaza Príncipe de Asturias, Nava, Asturias
Museum · 10 tips and reviews

Marcos (Hotel Rural Fuensanta)Marcos (Hotel Rural Fuensanta): Genial la gaita midi y la bolera virtual, la colección de botellas de sidra de todo el mundo merece la pena.

La Maison de l'absinthe Musée de l'absinthe is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

58. La Maison de l'absinthe Musée de l'absinthe

Grande Rue 10, Môtiers, Neuchâtel
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Yamazaki Whisky Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

59. Yamazaki Whisky Museum

山崎5-2-1, 島本町, 大阪府
Distillery · 1 tip
Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

60. Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History

114 N 5th St, Bardstown, KY
History Museum · No tips or reviews

61. Dufftown Whisky Museum

10 Conval St, Dufftown, Moray
Museum · No tips or reviews

62. The Dessert Museum

S Maison, Conrad Manila, Pasay, Pasay City
Museum · Barangay 76 · 2 tips and reviews

Rhea T.Rhea Tagami: Not your ordinary museum. Full of colorful stuff and sweets. Check out my review up here -

First Peanut Museum in USA is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

63. First Peanut Museum in USA

201 Hunter St, Waverly, VA
Museum · No tips or reviews

64. Musée du Vin

5 rue des Eaux, Paris, Île-de-France
Museum · Muette · 9 tips and reviews

J. Manuel V.J. Manuel V.: Wine history museum located in an old quarry. Just a short walk from the metro station. Great experience. Get to know France's wine regions and production process. Visit includes a glass of wine.

Spritmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

65. Spritmuseum

Djurgårdsvägen 38, Stockholm, Storstockholm
Museum · Djurgården · 35 tips and reviews

Rickard J.Rickard Jonsson: A fab museum, currently an exhibition about spices and how to use them in your booze for the best taste

66. Museo dell'Olivo

Via Garessio, Imperia, Liguria
History Museum · 1 tip

John B.John Byrom: Learning the history of the olive tree

67. Museu Nacional do Pão

R. da Fonte Marrão, Seia, Guarda
History Museum · 39 tips and reviews

Gonçalo V.Gonçalo Vaz Pinto: Mandatory visit to the museum that present of the regions oldest traditions: the harvest, crop and baling of the cereals for typical regional bread. The restaurant inside is a temple of food tasting.

Living Museum of Gingerbread is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

68. Living Museum of Gingerbread

(Żywe Muzeum Piernika)
Rabiańska 9, Toruń, Województwo kujawsko-pomorskie
Museum · 26 tips and reviews
Музей истории водки is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

69. Музей истории водки

Измайловский кремль (Измайловское ш., 73-ж), Москва, Москва
Museum · Измайлово · 17 tips and reviews
Russian Vodka Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

70. Russian Vodka Museum

(Музей русской водки)
Конногвардейский бул., 4, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Museum · Адмиралтейский округ · 30 tips and reviews

Fabiola P.Fabiola Possoli: A visita ao museu inclui degustação de vodka!

Museum of Russian Dessert is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

71. Museum of Russian Dessert

Art Gallery · 1 tip

Илья Ч.Илья Чернобай: Absolutely special place for art, candies and Russia lovers!

Museum of Vodka Distiller Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

72. Museum of Vodka Distiller Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov

(Музей Водочника П. А. Смирнова)
Мышкин, Ярославская обл.
Museum · 6 tips and reviews

Natalia S.Natalia Smirnova: Отличное место: накормят блинами, нальют чайку, расскажут много интересного из биографии самого знаменитого водочника страны Смирнова, а потом еще и настоечкой угостят

Museum of the History of Russian Vodka is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

73. Museum of the History of Russian Vodka

(Музей истории русской водки)
улица Ольги Берггольц, 3, Углич, Ярославская обл.
History Museum · 15 tips and reviews
Carpigiani Gelato Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

74. Carpigiani Gelato Museum

Via Emilia, 45 40011 Anzola (Emilia (Bologna)), Anzola dell'Emilia, Emilia-Romagna
History Museum · 17 tips and reviews

Se7enthAngelSe7enthAngel: 1st thing v learnt: 🍦 is not Gelato! G s made with natural ingredients( no colouring/preservatives) & in small batches 2 ensure high quality. Has lower fat content than the mass-produced confection.

Croissant Museum of Poznan is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

75. Croissant Museum of Poznan

(Rogalowe Muzeum Poznania)
Stary Rynek 41/2 (Klasztorna), Poznań, Województwo wielkopolskie
Museum · Stare Miasto · 12 tips and reviews

Sarah M.Sarah Madden: Interesting and funny overview of Poznan history and demonstrations with the crowd how to make traditional croissants. We went to the show in Polish even though we only spoke English but it was fine!

Moxie Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

76. Moxie Museum

2 Main St, Lisbon Falls, ME
Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo Nazionale delle Paste Alimentari is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

77. Museo Nazionale delle Paste Alimentari

Piazza Scanderbeg 117, Roma, Lazio
Museum · Trevi · 3 tips and reviews
1. Deutsches Bratwurstmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

78. 1. Deutsches Bratwurstmuseum

Bratwurstweg 1, Amt Wachsenburg, Thüringen
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Alex D.Alex Dibble: If you want to fully understand the history of the bratwurst then this is the place. There is also Bratwurstworld to explore. Think sausage Disneyworld. ;-)

Deutsches Bratwurstmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

79. Deutsches Bratwurstmuseum

Am Stadtwald 56, Mühlhausen/Thüringen, Thüringen
Museum · No tips or reviews
Zwack Unicum Nyrt. is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

80. Zwack Unicum Nyrt.

Soroksári út 26., Budapest, Budapest
Office · Budapest IX. kerülete · 5 tips and reviews

Attila N.Attila Nagy: Drink tasting is in museum entrance fee included.

Takara Sake USA Inc. is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

81. Takara Sake USA Inc.

708 Addison St (Fourth St), Berkeley, CA
Brewery · West Berkeley · 18 tips and reviews

Lauren K.Lauren K.: Informative museum and short video. You don't get to see much of the actual factory, though. Sake tasting for only $5 is delicious! Go during the week to avoid crowds.

Chuancais Sichuan Cuisine Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

82. Chuancais Sichuan Cuisine Museum

No.8 Ronghua North Street, 成都市, 四川
Museum · Gucheng Village, Pixian County · No tips or reviews
Chinese Royal Gastronomy Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

83. Chinese Royal Gastronomy Museum

西四環北路117號, 北京市, 北京市
Museum · Haidian · 1 tip
红星二锅头 Red Star Erguotou is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

84. 红星二锅头 Red Star Erguotou

北京市, 北京市
Liquor Store · Qiánmén · 1 tip
Wild Mushroom Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

85. Wild Mushroom Museum

(Musée Du Champignon)
Route de Gennes, Saumur, Pays de la Loire
Museum · 2 tips and reviews
J.H. Fentress Antique Popcorn Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

86. J.H. Fentress Antique Popcorn Museum

7922 Hill Ave, Holland, OH
History Museum · 1 tip
Coffee Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

87. Coffee Museum

(Museu do Café - Edifício da Bolsa Oficial de Café)
Rua XV de Novembro, 95 (R. Frei Gaspar), Santos, SP
History Museum · Centro Histórico · 165 tips and reviews

Sandra C.Sandra Castro: Lugar excelente para conhecer um pouco da história do café nos continentes e sua fama do ouro verde tornando o Brasil um grande produtor e exportador de café !

88. Black Bridge Sausage Museum

No. 103, Sec. 1, Zhonghua W Rd, 臺南市, 臺南市
Museum · No tips or reviews
LA Plaza Cocina is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

89. LA Plaza Cocina

555 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA
Museum · Chinatown · No tips or reviews
MUCHO Museo del Chocolate is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

90. MUCHO Museo del Chocolate

Milán 45 (Atenas), Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal
Museum · Juárez · 213 tips and reviews

91. Bahian Museum of Gastronomy

(Museu da Gastronomia Baiana)
Praça José de Alencar, nº 13, Salvador, BA
History Museum · Centro Histórico · 16 tips and reviews

ETIOSETIOS: Confira a história da farinha de mandioca, do azeite de dendê e das comidas sagradas do candomblé.Este local faz parte de um roteiro de Toyota Etios. Veja a dica completa:

Sally Lunn's Historic Eating House & Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

92. Sally Lunn's Historic Eating House & Museum

4 N Parade Passage, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset
Tea Room · 98 tips and reviews


仙川町2-5-7 (仙川キユーポート), 調布市, 東京都
Factory · 調布 · 1 tip
Kewpie Shop is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

94. Kewpie Shop

仙川町2-5-7 (仙川キユーポート敷地内), 調布市, 東京都
Gift Store · 調布 · 1 tip
Shimizu Sushi Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

95. Shimizu Sushi Museum

入船町13-15 (エスパルスドリームプラザ 2F), 清水区, 静岡県
Museum · No tips or reviews
Zeni Museo del Vino is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

96. Zeni Museo del Vino

Via Costabella, 9, Bardolino, Veneto
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

97. Manifattura Dei Marinati

Via Mazzini, 200, Comacchio, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 8 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: The building also hosts the Eel Museum [Museo dell'Anguilla], free entrance, open everyday

MUSA Museo dell'Arte Salumeria is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

98. MUSA Museo dell'Arte Salumeria

Via Eugenio Zanasi, 24, Castelnuovo Rangone, Emilia-Romagna
History Museum · 1 tip

99. Museo del Salame di Felino

Museum · 1 tip

Fattorie AperteFattorie Aperte: 5-12-19 maggio: La storia del salame racchiusa in un castello! Visite guidate alla scoperta della storia, della produzione e delle leggende del Felino in un antico maniero tra curiosità e gusto. Read more.

Confetti Pelino is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

100. Confetti Pelino

Via Stazione Introdacqua, 55, Sulmona, Abruzzo
Candy Store · 2 tips and reviews

101. Museo dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale

Via F. Roncati, 1-35, Spilamberto, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Martina P.Martina Perani: È possibile scoprire la storia della produzione dell'aceto e fare la degustazione guidata

La Cité de la Gastronomie de Lyon is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

102. La Cité de la Gastronomie de Lyon

4 Grand Cloître du Grand Hôtel-Dieu, Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Museum · Presqu'île · No tips or reviews

103. MUTEM Museo del Tequila y el Mezcal

Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas (Plaza Garibaldi), Cuauhtemoc, Distrito Federal
Museum · 92 tips and reviews

EKECO ORGANIC TEQUILAEKECO ORGANIC TEQUILA: If you visit Mexico City this museum is a must!! Listen to mariachis while you learn about all the magic of Tequila making and then ask for your complimentary tastings! Ask for EKECO Organic Tequila!

Museo Del Chocolate is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

104. Museo Del Chocolate

Calle Mercaderes (Amargura), La Habana, La Habana
Chocolate Store · 4 tips and reviews
Museo Nacional del Vino y la Vendimia is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

105. Museo Nacional del Vino y la Vendimia

Ozamis 914, Maipú, Mendoza
History Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Marcelo BarzottoMarcelo Barzotto: Único museu do vinho em Mendoza. Incríveis peças da história da bebida mais famosa que existe.

U.S. Pizza Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

106. U.S. Pizza Museum

1146 S Delano Ct W (Roosevelt), Chicago, IL
Museum · South Loop · 1 tip

107. Wonderfood Museum

Lebuh Pantai, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Art Museum · 25 tips and reviews

Lisa V.Lisa VauWeZett: Exhibition of original size and colossal fake food which looks just real! Lots of possibilities to take crazy fun pictures with dynamic food situations ;)

108. Museo del Formaggio di Fossa "Fossa Pellegrini"

Via Le Greppe 14, Sogliano al Rubicone, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

TurismoEmiliaRomagnaTurismoEmiliaRomagna: Definately worth a visit- especially in November during the "Sfossatura" period

Tottori Nijisseiki Pear Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

109. Tottori Nijisseiki Pear Museum

駄経寺町198-4, 倉吉市, 鳥取県
Museum · 8 tips and reviews

110. Food Rus Interactive Museum of Ancient Russian Cuisine

(Еда Руси)
Солнечногорский район, д.Жаворонки, Zhavoronki, Московская обл.
Museum · No tips or reviews
Salo Restaurant & Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

111. Salo Restaurant & Museum

(Ресторан-музей «Сало»)
просп. Свободи, 6/8, Львів, Львівська обл.
Ukrainian Restaurant · 156 tips and reviews

Екатерина Я.Екатерина Якуба: Попробуйте дегустационный набор из 14 видов сала, вкусные наливки, экспонаты из сала с эротическим подтекстом. Отдельно стоит выделить оформление туалета.

112. MUSA Museo del Sale

Via Nazario Sauro, 24 (Magazzino del sale “Torre”), Cervia, Emilia-Romagna
Art Museum · 11 tips and reviews

Lorenzo B.Lorenzo Battisti: Un museo che ripercorre la storia di Cervia e del suo sale "dolce". Un museo da vivere, camminando in mezzo alle barche e osservando le foto d'epoca. Molto bello.

Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

113. Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum

大漢村七星街148號, 花蓮縣, 花蓮縣
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Tina S.Tina Shih: Head straight for the souvenirs! You'll want to spend the bulk of your time there with your wallet.

Musée du Chocolat is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

114. Musée du Chocolat

28 boulevard de Bonne Nouvelle, Paris, Île-de-France
Museum · Porte Saint-Denis · 11 tips and reviews

Sonia C.Sonia Caillou: Lieu unique à Paris pour découvrir l'histoire du cacao grâce à plusieurs panneaux et beaucoup d'objets. C'est ludique et sympa. Le petit plus: la démo à la fin où l'on peut déguster du chocolat.

Choco-Story - Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

115. Choco-Story - Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate

Rue de l'Etuve 41 Stoofstraat, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Museum · Brussel · 39 tips and reviews

Ángel P.Ángel PR: If you are in Brussels you MUST visit this chocolate museum. It has a gastronomic gift at the end of the visit ;D

Choco-Story is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

116. Choco-Story

Wijnzakstraat 2 (Sint-Jansplein), Brugge, West-Vlaanderen
Museum · Centrum · 41 tips and reviews

Rafke M.Rafke Magic: If you'd like to know more about the history of chocolate, be sure to put a visit here on your to-do-list for Bruges.

Alimentarium is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

117. Alimentarium

Quai Perdonnet, Vevey, Vaud
Museum · 11 tips and reviews

IrisIris: One of my favorite museums! You have to try out their cooking classes and the restaurant!

Brussels Museum of the Mill and Food is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

118. Brussels Museum of the Mill and Food

(Brussels Museum van de Molen en de Voeding)
Windmolenstraat 21 Rue du Moulin à Vent (Lindestraat 189 Rue du Tilleul), Evere, Brussel-Hoofdstad
History Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Anne C.Anne Crollen: Une jolie surprise bien cachée dans la rue duTilleul. Goûters d'anniversaire avec visite, sinon ouvert lors de la journée du patrimoine. Chercher sur google... ou commune d'Evere...

Pick Szalámi és Szegedi Paprika Múzeum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

119. Pick Szalámi és Szegedi Paprika Múzeum

Felső Tisza-part 10., Szeged, Csongrád megye
Museum · 6 tips and reviews

János K.János Kovács: Visitors get salami sample, Szeged paprika product sample, wintersalami purchasing discount, and a postcard as a gift.

120. Museum of the Art of Sugar and Chocolate

(Musée des Arts du Sucre et du Chocolat)
33 Grand Rue Raimond VII, Cordes-sur-Ciel, Occitanie
Museum · No tips or reviews
Wilbur Chocolate Candy Americana Store & Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

121. Wilbur Chocolate Candy Americana Store & Museum

48 N Broad St, Lititz, PA
Candy Store · 17 tips and reviews
Choco-Story New York, The Chocolate Museum and Experience is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

122. Choco-Story New York, The Chocolate Museum and Experience

350 Hudson St, New York, NY
Museum · Hudson Square · 3 tips and reviews
The Chocolate Museum | Le Musée du Chocolat is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

123. The Chocolate Museum | Le Musée du Chocolat

73 Milltown Blvd, St. Stephen, NB
Museum · No tips or reviews
Bier- und Oktoberfestmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

124. Bier- und Oktoberfestmuseum

Sterneckerstr. 2, München, Bayern
History Museum · Altstadt · 12 tips and reviews
Museo del Chocolate is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

125. Museo del Chocolate

Avenida de la Estación, 16, Astorga, Castilla y León
Museum · 4 tips and reviews
Idiazabal Gaztaren Museoa is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

126. Idiazabal Gaztaren Museoa

Kale Nagusia 37, Idiazábal, País Vasco
Museum · 1 tip
Cueva el Cares - Cueva Exposición Queso Cabrales is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

127. Cueva el Cares - Cueva Exposición Queso Cabrales

Arenas de Cabrales, Asturias
Cave · 7 tips and reviews
Museo Del Queso Manchego is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

128. Museo Del Queso Manchego

Calle de Sixto Ramón Parro, 7, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha
History Museum · 6 tips and reviews

Nicanora B.Nicanora Becerra: Lindo e interesante! Teresa, su dueña, encantadora y amante de lo que hacen... Recomendable totalmente la degustación y el mini recorrido por la historia del queso manchego.

129. The Gourmet Museum and Library

(Bibliotheek en museum van de gastronomie)
Chaussée Freddy Terwagne, Hermalle-sous-Huy
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Colonel Sanders Cafe and Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

130. Colonel Sanders Cafe and Museum

688 US 25W, Corbin, KY
Fried Chicken Joint · 21 tips and reviews

Dawn Marie B.Dawn Marie Beals: Cute museum to see where KFC originated and the original recipe was perfected. Family friendly, good service and food.

Hotel and Restaurant Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

131. Hotel and Restaurant Museum

(Hotelli- ja ravintolamuseo)
Tallberginkatu 1 G (3rd Fl.), Helsinki, Uusimaa
Museum · Ruoholahti · 4 tips and reviews

Tommi H.Tommi Hermunen: This museum is far from being a boring one! Not covered with "do not touch" but "do touch and play" instead. A really positive surprise!

Desmond Castle is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

132. Desmond Castle

Cork St, Kinsale, Co Cork
Castle · 3 tips and reviews
Chocolate Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

133. Chocolate Museum

(Музей Шоколада)
ул. Ленина, 79, Покров, Владимирская обл.
Museum · 3 tips and reviews
Choco-Story Muzeum čokolády is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

134. Choco-Story Muzeum čokolády

Celetná 557/10, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Museum · Staré Město · 31 tips and reviews
SAB World of Beer is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

135. SAB World of Beer

15 President St. Newtown (Gerard Sekoto St), EGoli, IGauteng
Attraction · Newtown · 13 tips and reviews
Shallot Culture Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

136. Shallot Culture Museum

義德村中山路31號, 宜蘭縣, 宜蘭縣
Museum · 1 tip
Taiwan Soya-Mixed Meat Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

137. Taiwan Soya-Mixed Meat Museum

高雄市岡山區本州工業區本工一路25號, 高雄市
Museum · No tips or reviews
Taiwan Mochi Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

138. Taiwan Mochi Museum

南投市自強三路3號, 南投, 南投縣
History Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Rob N.Rob Nicholson: Very interesting museum, English audio tours also available. Plenty of mochi available to sample and buy. Recommend the DYI mochi experience. Definitely with a visit.

Tao Heung Foods of Mankind Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

139. Tao Heung Foods of Mankind Museum

1/F 13 Au Pui Wan St, Fo Tan, 沙田區
Museum · 1 tip

JKJK: They have many Hong Kong food related history donated by other big brands. Very meaningful museum!

Nederlands Bakkerijmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

140. Nederlands Bakkerijmuseum

Kerkhofstraat 13, Hattem, Gelderland
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

141. Vidalia Onion Museum

100 Vidalia Sweet Onion Dr (Commerce Way), Vidalia, GA
History Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Wendy B.Wendy Brannen: Love letters to Vidalia Onions from Ex Presidents and Celebrity Chefs, Vidalias on Jeopardy and CSI:Miami, a kids room with hands-on "equipment" and real Vidalia Sweeties growing outside!

Industrial Tomato Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

142. Industrial Tomato Museum

(Βιομηχανικό Μουσείο Τομάτας «Δ. Νομικός»)
Βλυχάδα, Σαντορίνη, Κυκλάδες
Museum · 12 tips and reviews
Mushroom Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

143. Mushroom Museum

(Muzej gljiva)
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Science Museum · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 1 tip
Andong Soju & Traditional Food Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

144. Andong Soju & Traditional Food Museum

강남로 71-1, 안동시, 경상북도
Museum · 1 tip
Musée Les Secrets du Chocolat is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

145. Musée Les Secrets du Chocolat

Rue du pont du péage (RN 83), Geispolsheim, Grand Est
Museum · 10 tips and reviews
British Museum of Food is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

146. British Museum of Food

1, Cathedral street, London, Greater London
Museum · South Bank · 1 tip
O'Betty's Red Hot is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

147. O'Betty's Red Hot

15 W State St (btwn Congress & Court), Athens, OH
Hot Dog Joint · 23 tips and reviews

Danielle L.Danielle Leah: The atmosphere is incredible - hot dog museum to check out while you wait for your food. The buns are toasted perfectly, try anything on the menu you can't go wrong!

Vienna Beef History Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

148. Vienna Beef History Museum

2501 N Damen Ave (Elston), Chicago, IL
Museum · Bucktown · No tips or reviews
Museum of the Belgian Brewers is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

149. Museum of the Belgian Brewers

(Museum van de Belgische Brouwers)
Grote Markt 10 Grand Place, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Museum · Brussel · 27 tips and reviews

150. Papas Fish & Chips

24 Parliament St, York, North Yorkshire
Fish and Chips Shop · No tips or reviews
Wyandot Popcorn Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

151. Wyandot Popcorn Museum

169 E Church St #B, Marion, OH
History Museum · No tips or reviews

152. The Big Duck

1012 Flanders Rd, Flanders, NY
Outdoor Sculpture · 25 tips and reviews
Museum of Ice Cream is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

153. Museum of Ice Cream

2020 E 7th St (Mateo), Los Angeles, CA
Art Museum · Downtown Los Angeles · 9 tips and reviews

154. Salt and Pepper Museum

Phaneromeni St, Λάρνακα, Επαρχία Λάρνακας
Museum · No tips or reviews
Polish Vodka Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

155. Polish Vodka Museum

Plac Konesera 1, Warszawa, Województwo mazowieckie
History Museum · Szmulowizna · 5 tips and reviews
Historic McDonald's Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

156. Historic McDonald's Museum

1398 N E St (at 14th St), San Bernardino, CA
History Museum · 8 tips and reviews

Maylea B.Maylea Buna: Lots of interesting history and collectable happy meal toys

157. Booze History Museum Of Staten Island

Staten Island, NY
Home (private) · Dongan Hills · No tips or reviews

158. Choco Museo

Calle Garcilaso 210 (Cerca a la plaza Regocijo), Cusco, Cusco
Museum · 80 tips and reviews

Adri M.Adri Mandado: More a shop than a museum, has some curious data about chocolate and it's consumption, origins and preparation. You can also make workshops to learn to make chocolate from beans. Nice views !

Museum of Brands, Packaging & Advertising is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

159. Museum of Brands, Packaging & Advertising

111-117 Lancaster Rd, London, Greater London
Museum · Kensington and Chelsea · 40 tips and reviews
Pinglin Tea Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

160. Pinglin Tea Museum

坪林區水德里水聳淒坑19-1號, 台北市
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

161. Ceylon Tea Museum

Hanthana, Kandy, මහනුවර, Central Province
History Museum · Hanthana · 2 tips and reviews

Chaminda S.Chaminda Somathilaka: Best place to buy Ceylon Tea around Kandy. Also you get to see old machinery use in a tea factory.

동양 차 문화관 Tea museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

162. 동양 차 문화관 Tea museum

종로구 북촌로11길 76, 서울특별시, 서울특별시
Tea Room · 가회동 · 1 tip
Shaoxing Yellow Wine Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

163. Shaoxing Yellow Wine Museum

鲁迅中路 229-1, 绍兴市, 浙江
History Museum · No tips or reviews
WiMu - Wine Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

164. WiMu - Wine Museum

Piazza Falletti, Barolo, Piemonte
Museum · 14 tips and reviews
Samos Wine Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

165. Samos Wine Museum

Θεμ. Σοφούλη, Samos
Museum · 10 tips and reviews

Aylin A.Aylin Alpustun: There is not too much written information on the history or grape varieties )muscat most popular). Basically a self guided tour. The stone museum building is quite nice. Free wine tasting at the end.

166. Koutsoyannopoulos Wine Museum

(Μουσείο Οίνου Κουτσογιαννόπουλου)
Βόθωνας (στο Οινοποιείο Κουτσογιαννόπουλος), Σαντορίνη, Κυκλάδες
Museum · 27 tips and reviews

Villas & Mansions of SantoriniVillas & Mansions of Santorini: A well organised museum that aims to help people understand the process of wine-making in the difficult climate of Santorini. Read more.

Twins Wine Cellar is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

167. Twins Wine Cellar

Vineyard · 8 tips and reviews

My Custard P.My Custard Pie: The first qvevri museum in the world has just opened here. Brilliantly done and explains the whole process of making wine in a qvevri.

Changyu Wine Culture Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

168. Changyu Wine Culture Museum

56 Dama Rd, 烟台市, 山东
Museum · Zhifu District · No tips or reviews

169. China National Tea Museum

88 Longjing Rd (龙井路), 杭州市, 浙江
Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Julia A.Julia Asakawa: Free museum with english signs, uhuuu! They do a free tea tasting that is really interesting and you can see some tea plantations around

170. Cupnoodles Museum

(カップヌードルミュージアム 大阪池田)
満寿美町8-25, 池田市, 大阪府
Museum · 37 tips and reviews

Amy M.Amy Ma: Download their app for a self guided walk through (in English)

171. Cyprus Wine Museum

42 Pafos Street,, Limassol, Erimi
Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Naturally C.Naturally Cyprus: Wine heritage museum in Cyprus - explore the wine culture Read more.

Poli Museo della Grappa is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

172. Poli Museo della Grappa

Via Guglielmo Marconi, 36, Schiavon, Veneto
History Museum · 5 tips and reviews

173. Kartoffelmuseum

Grafinger Str. 2, München, Bayern
History Museum · Berg am Laim · 2 tips and reviews

Ionela D.Ionela D: Very interesting museum which curates paintings, (cult) objects, documents of/ about potatoe(s). Highly recommend it! By the way: free entrance!

174. Museo Del Tequila

Ramón Corona 18 (Sixto Gorjón), Tequila, Jalisco
History Museum · Centro · 10 tips and reviews

Vanessa B.Vanessa Berner: Excelente! Bem cuidado e instrutivo

Herradura Tequila Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

175. Herradura Tequila Museum

Tequila, Tequila, Jalisco
Museum · No tips or reviews

176. Sazerac House

101 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA
Museum · Central Business District · 10 tips and reviews

Rinaldo D.Rinaldo Dorman: Free, fun tour. A few samples. Great quick diversion

177. Danmarks Kartoffel Museum

Hofmansgavevej 27, Otterup, Region Syddanmark
Museum · No tips or reviews
Paprika Múzeum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

178. Paprika Múzeum

Szent István király u. 6., Kalocsa, Bács-Kiskun megye
Museum · 1 tip

179. Paprika Manufaktúra Múzeuma

Bajai út 8., Bátya, Bács-Kiskun megye
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Carlsberg Museum & Business Centre is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

180. Carlsberg Museum & Business Centre

Langgade 1, København, Region Hovedstaden
Museum · Gl. Carlsbergs · No tips or reviews
Iran Tea History Museum  | موزه تاریخ چای ایران is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

181. Iran Tea History Museum | موزه تاریخ چای ایران

East Kashef St, لاهیجان, گیلان
History Museum · 7 tips and reviews
Tea Culture Museum Hadong is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

182. Tea Culture Museum Hadong

하동군, 경상남도
Museum · No tips or reviews
橘之鄉蜜餞形象館 AGRIOZ Museum + Cafe is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

183. 橘之鄉蜜餞形象館 AGRIOZ Museum + Cafe

梅洲二路33號, 宜蘭, 宜蘭縣
Dessert Shop · 4 tips and reviews

184. Tea Culture Museum In Lugu

History Museum · 1 tip

Rob N.Rob Nicholson: The tea museum was interesting and worth a visit. However, in the gift store the clerk was not interested in providing additional information or letting us try some of the teas (even the cheap ones).

ThreeStone TeaPot Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

185. ThreeStone TeaPot Museum

Uncategorized · No tips or reviews
Formosa Black Tea Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

186. Formosa Black Tea Museum

Museum · No tips or reviews
Wine cellars of Cricova is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

187. Wine cellars of Cricova

(Combinatul de vinuri Cricova)
Str. Ungureanu, 1 (L355), Cricova, Chișinău
Winery · 34 tips and reviews

DimDim: Прекрасный музей, поездка на электрокаре в глубину подземного винного города. Интересная экскурсия, возможность увидеть как делают игристые вина, коллекцию вин. Заранее нужно бронировать! Не дёшево.

188. Baked Bean Museum of Excellence

Flat 6 Flint House (Moorland Rd), Port Talbot, Neath and Port Talbot
Museum · No tips or reviews

189. Steins Unlimited

616 Swan Rd (Hwy 460W), Pamplin, VA
History Museum · 1 tip

Ami H.Ami H.: View George Adam's collection of 10,000+ rare beer steins (call ahead to confirm open hours)

Museum Of Ice Cream is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

190. Museum Of Ice Cream

558 Broadway, New York, NY
Museum · SoHo · 11 tips and reviews

Jess M.Jess Maya: You’ll get tons of ice cream inside. Don’t miss the slide, and the sprinkle pool!!!

Emmy Lou Biedenharn Coca-Cola Bottle Collection and Coke Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

191. Emmy Lou Biedenharn Coca-Cola Bottle Collection and Coke Museum

2000 Riverside Dr (Forsythe Avenue), Monroe, LA
Exhibit · 2 tips and reviews
Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

192. Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum

1107 Washington St, Vicksburg, MS
Museum · No tips or reviews
Zywe Muzeum Obwarzanka is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

193. Zywe Muzeum Obwarzanka

Paderewskiego 4, Kraków, Województwo małopolskie
Museum · Stare Miasto · No tips or reviews
Museum of the American Cocktail is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

194. Museum of the American Cocktail

1504 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd Ste 169, New Orleans, LA
Museum · Central City - Garden · No tips or reviews

195. McCurdy Smokehouse Museum

50 Water St, Lubec, ME
History Museum · No tips or reviews

196. Haddam Shad Museum

212 Saybrook Rd, Haddam, CT
History Museum · No tips or reviews

197. Niigata Senbei Okoku

北区新崎2661, 新潟市, 新潟県
Amusement Park · 北区 · 9 tips and reviews

Ami H.Ami H.: Niigata Rice Cracker Museum

Frietmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

198. Frietmuseum

Vlamingstraat 33, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen
Museum · Centrum · 23 tips and reviews

4sq SUs Belgium4sq SUs Belgium: Located in the Saaihalle, one of the oldest buildings in Bruges (1399), the world's only museum dedicated to history of potatoes and Belgian fries (yes, Belgian, not French, as we invented them!).

199. MUMAC

Via Pablo Neruda 2, Binasco, Lombardia
History Museum · 1 tip

Cat S.Cat Sphinges: Great impression of the history of coffee machines

China Watermelon Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

200. China Watermelon Museum

J8MF+F72, Jingkai Side Rd, Bei Jing Shi
Museum · Дасин · No tips or reviews
Original Pizza Hut Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

201. Original Pizza Hut Museum

2090 Innovation Blvd, Wichita, KS
Museum · 1 tip

Evan[Bu]Evan[Bu]: This is where it all began. When passing through Wichita, stop at this true national icon. And no, they did not create the Big Foot Pizza here...

202. Niederegger Marzipan-Museum

Breite Str. 89, Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein
Museum · Innenstadt · 1 tip

Hanne-Mari H.Hanne-Mari Hälinen: Very priceworthy.

Printenbäckerei Klein is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

203. Printenbäckerei Klein

Franzstraße 91 (Aureliusstraße), Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bakery · 2 tips and reviews
Norwegian Canning Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

204. Norwegian Canning Museum

(Norsk Hermetikkmuseum)
Øvre Strandgate 88, Stavanger, Rogaland
History Museum · 1 tip

205. Historische Senfmühle - Kölner Senfmuseum

Holzmarkt 79-83, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gourmet Store · Altstadt-Süd · 14 tips and reviews

VancraVancra: Hier kann man alle Senfspezialitäten probieren, auch Fruchtaufstrich. Bockwurst mit Senf nach Wahl gibt's für 2 Euro und die Senftöpfchen kann man auffüllen lassen.

Gostilna & Penzion Lectar (Gingerbread Museum) is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

206. Gostilna & Penzion Lectar (Gingerbread Museum)

Linhartov trg 2, Občina Radovljica, Radovljica
Restaurant · 15 tips and reviews

Dinara Z.Dinara Z.: There is small live museum of gingerbread (lectar), entrance is free and the tour lasts for 10 minutes. ask at the reception

Brauereimuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

207. Brauereimuseum

Michaelsberg 10f, Bamberg, Bayern
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Zack S.Zack Sheppard: Cool little museum but be warned: it has no beer to drink and no exhibits in English.

Gärtner & Häcker Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

208. Gärtner & Häcker Museum

Mittelstraße 34, Bamberg, Bayern
Museum · No tips or reviews

209. Redpath Sugar

95 Queens Quay, Toronto, ON
Structure · Downtown Toronto · 2 tips and reviews This museum of the Redpath Sugar Refinery is an interesting place to learn about processes, histories (of the company and sugar in general), and facts about the sweet favorite.

Deutsches Hopfenmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

210. Deutsches Hopfenmuseum

Elsenheimerstr. 2, Wolnzach, Bayern
Museum · 1 tip

Michi M.Michi Meißner: Mal was anderes und auch - oder besonders für nicht Hallertauer interessant

Szamos Marcipán Múzeum Cukrászda is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

211. Szamos Marcipán Múzeum Cukrászda

Dumtsa Jenő u. 14., Szentendre, Pest megye
Dessert Shop · 33 tips and reviews

Mike T.Mike Tonge: Great marizpan and a museum that has got a lot bigger since i last visited many years ago

Museo Del Pulque Y Las Pulquerias is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

212. Museo Del Pulque Y Las Pulquerias

107 Avenida Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, CDMX
Art Museum · Guerrero · 5 tips and reviews

213. Van Kleef Museum and Distillery

Lange Beestenmarkt 109, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland
Museum · 10 tips and reviews

ChinoiseriesChinoiseries: Founded in 1842, this is the only remaining jenever distillery in town. Taste any of their jenevers, liqueurs and don't forget the herbal bitter Kruide Baggâh or the gin. Do not mention Schiedam ;-)

Jajangmyeon Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

214. Jajangmyeon Museum

(짜장면 박물관)
중구 차이나타운로 56-14 (옛 공화춘), 인천광역시, 인천광역시
History Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Won-Kyung S.Won-Kyung Sung: 짜장면(전 '자장면'은 싫어해요!)의 유래와 역사에 대한 전시 공간이네요. 다양한 자료들 중에서, 졸업식을 마치고 온 가족이 짜장면 먹으러 가던 얘기나 혼분식 장려책과 관련한 짜장면의 활약 등과 같은 생활사 속에서의 짜장면에 대한 게 좋았어요.

215. National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum

504 S Schifferdecker Ave, Joplin, MO
Museum · No tips or reviews

216. Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum

Bjarnarhöfn, Stykkisholmur, Westland
Museum · 9 tips and reviews

Patrick M.Patrick McCormack: Very unique experience. This Icelandic shark cannot be cooked. It is aged for 6 months and you can taste it. The museum is filled with interesting tools and shark bones/skulls among other things.

Indian River Citrus Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

217. Indian River Citrus Museum

2140 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL
History Museum · No tips or reviews

218. Gurkenmuseum

An der Dolzke 4,6, Lehde, Brandenburg
Museum · 1 tip

Thomas D.Thomas D.: Kleines, aber interessantes Museum.

219. Hastings Museum

1330 N Burlington Ave (at 13th St), Hastings, NE
Museum · 9 tips and reviews

Steve W.Steve White: New Nature Nook is good for young kids plus Kool-Aid exhibit and the natural history displays.

Bananenmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

220. Bananenmuseum

Prof.-Haas-Str. 59, Sierksdorf, Schleswig-Holstein
Museum · No tips or reviews

221. Museo De Saleros Y Pimenteros

Avenida de Alicante, 2, Alicante, Valencia, Guadalest
Art Museum · 3 tips and reviews

Alex B.Alex Bolenok: 3 euros well spent after visiting the castle. What you'll find here is a dozen of well lit shelves with salt and pepper boxes of all kinds and shapes. Some are really beautiful.

Zwack Múzeum és Látogatóközpont is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

222. Zwack Múzeum és Látogatóközpont

Dandár utca 2. (Zwack gyár oldalában), Budapest, Budapest
Museum · Budapest IX. kerülete · 11 tips and reviews

Duncan B.Duncan Bartley: Excellent little museum of Hungary's authentic sprits and family. Highly recommended for a taste of Hungary.

223. Dublin Bottling Works

105 E Elm St (at S. Patrick St.), Dublin, TX
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

The DaytripperThe Daytripper: While these guys may no longer be pumping out DP, they do have 7 other flavors, and XXX Root Beer. Grab an old-fashioned soda at the soda shop and then wash that down with a root beer float.

Museum of Carrots is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

224. Museum of Carrots

Berlotter Str. (Kinkebahn), Raeren, Provinz Lüttich
Museum · No tips or reviews

225. Choco Museo

Arzobispo Meriño #254 (El Conde), Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional
Chocolate Store · Zona Colonial · 4 tips and reviews

Mary Á.Mary Álvarez Lam: Excelente lugar, el tour del cacao y la exposición de cómo hacen todo son muy interesantes (desde el vino, licor hasta los chocolates y el té). Me encanta este lugar :) <3

Museo del Ron y la Caña is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

226. Museo del Ron y la Caña

Calle Isabel La Católica 261, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo Province
Museum · Zona Colonial · 4 tips and reviews

227. German Butcher Museum

(Deutsches Fleischermuseum)
Marktplatz 27, Böblingen, Baden-Württemberg
Museum · No tips or reviews

228. Peppermint Museum

(Pfefferminzmuseum Eichenau)
Parkstraße 43, Eichenau, Bayern
Museum · No tips or reviews
Prime Berth Twillingate Fishery & Heritage Centre is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

229. Prime Berth Twillingate Fishery & Heritage Centre

1 Main Highway Highway 340, Twillingate, NL
Museum · No tips or reviews

230. Bush's Baked Beans Visitor Center

3901 Highway 411, Dandridge, TN
Museum · 16 tips and reviews

Nicole G.Nicole Gier: Totally worth the stop! Great food in the cafe, interesting museum and great gift shop/general store!

231. Canada Agriculture and Food Museum

901 Prince of Wales Dr (Parking Lot), Ottawa, ON
Museum · Civic Hospital-Experimental Farm-Central Park · 10 tips and reviews

Alex M.Alex MacDonald: Amazing working farm right in the heart of one of Canada's most populous cities! A great place to teach kids (and adults!) about where their food comes from.

Samovaride ja vanausuliste muuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

232. Samovaride ja vanausuliste muuseum

Sõpruse 86, Kasepää vald, Jõgeva maakond
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo del alfeñique is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

233. Museo del alfeñique

Toluca de Lerdo, México
History Museum · 5 tips and reviews

Mario L.Mario Leal: Museo interactivo, muy original, vale la pena analizar cada detalle para dimensionar el origen de esta tradición reconocida a nivel mundial. Totalmente gratuito y continuamente hay eventos especiales

234. Mushroom Museum

(Muzej gljiva)
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Science Museum · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 1 tip

John S.John Skopis: great display of many freeze dried mushrooms!

235. Casa Artusi Centro Di Cultura Gastronomica

A. Costa 23/31, Forlimpopoli, Emilia-Romagna
Museum · No tips or reviews

236. Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats

230 N College St, Palmyra, PA
Uncategorized · 1 tip

Ami H.Ami H.: Check out the exhibit of Lebanon bologna related memorabilia

全聚德 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

237. 全聚德 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck

30 Qianmen St, 北京市, 北京市
Peking Duck Restaurant · Qiánmén · 28 tips and reviews

238. The Hershey Story | Museum on Chocolate Avenue

63 W Chocolate Ave, Hershey, PA
Museum · 21 tips and reviews

James C.James C: It was a really cool museum with great history and great exhibits of all of the Hershey legacy. Loved the items that attach the company to the community. Chocolate Lab is a must.

239. Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil

(Μουσείο Ελιάς και Ελληνικού Λαδιού)
Όθωνος Αμαλίας 129, Σπάρτη, Λακωνία
Museum · 7 tips and reviews

Kitsakis Travel & TourismKitsakis Travel & Tourism: The unique in Greece museum of the olive and greek olive oil in Sparta showcases the culture and technology surrounding the olive and olive oil production.

Bruges Beer Experience is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

240. Bruges Beer Experience

Breidelstraat 3, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen
Museum · Centrum · 40 tips and reviews

Michael B.Michael Barakat: Well renowned for their beer, it’s necessary to visit this beer museum. In a very interactive way, you can easily get the process of beer brewing.


241. La Rojeña

Jose Cuervo #73, Tequila, Jalisco
History Museum · 73 tips and reviews

242. Museo de Turron

Carretera Busot km1, Pol. Ind. Ciudad del Turrón - Pol. Espartal II (Jijona), Xixona, Comunitat Valenciana
Museum · 1 tip

Bere N.Bere Nice: Buen lugar para visitar si pasas por Jijona. Un lugar para conocer la historia del turrón y comprar turrón a la piedra

Museum Of Chincoteague Island is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

243. Museum Of Chincoteague Island

7125 Maddox Blvd, Chincoteague Island, VA
History Museum · 4 tips and reviews

244. Senator John Heinz History Center

1212 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA
History Museum · Strip District · 41 tips and reviews

LindseyLindsey: Definitely worth the price, lots to see, you must visit the Heinz ketchup exhibit

Heinz Exhibit is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

245. Heinz Exhibit

Pittsburgh, PA
Exhibit · Strip District · 1 tip
Museo De La Tomatina is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

246. Museo De La Tomatina

Bunyol, Comunitat Valenciana
Museum · No tips or reviews

247. Museo del Ron Havana Club

Avenida del Puerto, 262, esq. Sol (Habana Vieja), Ciudad de La Habana, La Habana
Museum · 14 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Jonasson: Interesting museum to get a glimpse of how rum is being made. Try the rum tasting after the tour.

Museum Of Ice Cream is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

248. Museum Of Ice Cream

435 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL
Ice Cream Parlor · Streeterville · 2 tips and reviews

Cory C.Cory Coobs: The hot dog stand offers "sweet" or "savory" options. The "savory" option aims for actual hot dog flavored ice cream and has actual mustard and an actual pickle. My kids preferred the sweet option.

249. McDonald's

600 N Clark St (btwn W Ontario St & W Ohio St), Chicago, IL
Fast Food Restaurant · River North · 95 tips and reviews

Xavier M.Xavier Martínez: Go up stairs and visit its museum !!

Ginseng Museum Cafe By Cheongkwanjang is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

250. Ginseng Museum Cafe By Cheongkwanjang

315 5th Ave Lbby 1, New York, NY
Health Food Store · NoMad · 1 tip

251. Mite Cheese Museum

Sporaer Str. 8, Zeitz, Sachsen-Anhalt
Museum · No tips or reviews

252. Moxie Museum Annex

Fairgrounds Lane, Union, ME
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Pfefferkuchenmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

253. Pfefferkuchenmuseum

August-Bebel-Platz 3, Weißenberg, Sachsen
Museum · No tips or reviews
Pfefferkuchenmuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

254. Pfefferkuchenmuseum

Am Markt 3, Pulsnitz, Sachsen
Museum · 1 tip
Biloxi Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

255. Biloxi Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum

115 1st St, Biloxi, MS
History Museum · East Biloxi · 3 tips and reviews
Randulff's Sea-House is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

256. Randulff's Sea-House

Strandgata 96, Austurland
Seafood Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

257. Museo Del Pulque

Huamantla - Puebla 308, Ignacio Zaragoza, Tlaxcala
Museum · 6 tips and reviews

Diana G.Diana García: El museo mas chiquito que he visto.

258. Ostfriesisches Teemuseum

Am Markt 36, Niedersachsen
History Museum · 1 tip

Christiane G.Christiane Ginschel: Die ostfriesische Teezeremonie ist absolut empfehlenswert und macht richtig Spaß.

Bünting Teemuseum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

259. Bünting Teemuseum

Brunnenstraße 33, Leer, Niedersachsen
History Museum · No tips or reviews

260. TeeMuseum Sammlung Oswald-von Diepholz

Am Markt 33, Norden, Niedersachsen
History Museum · 1 tip
New Haven Cocktail Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

261. New Haven Cocktail Museum

990 Chapel St, New Haven, CT
History Museum · Downtown New Haven · No tips or reviews

262. Meaux House of Brie Museum

(Maison du Brie de Meaux)
5 Pl Charles de Gaulle, Meaux, Île-de-France
Museum · No tips or reviews

263. Food Museum Thanjavur

3rd St, Nirmala nagar RESIDENTIAL AREA, Thanjāvūr, Tamil Nadu
History Museum · No tips or reviews

264. Hurry Hill Farm Maple Museum & Sugarhouse

11424 Fry Rd, Edinboro, PA
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Ami H.Ami H.: Charming and informative museum with a charming and informative host, maple nerd, Janet Woods

Pape Pecan House #2 is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

265. Pape Pecan House #2

Seguin, TX
Museum · No tips or reviews

266. Pape Pecan House

Seguin, TX
Gift Store · No tips or reviews

267. Cheese World and Museum

5330 Great Ocean Rd, Allansford, VIC
History Museum · No tips or reviews
La Maison de la Vigne et des Saveurs is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

268. La Maison de la Vigne et des Saveurs

Archiac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Museum · No tips or reviews
Chateau D'Aigle is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

269. Chateau D'Aigle

Aigle (Château D'Aigle), Aigle, Vaud
Castle · 3 tips and reviews

AnneMAnneM: Nice museom. View is great

270. Czech Beer Museum Prague

Husova 7, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
History Museum · Staré Město · 27 tips and reviews

Martina K.Martina Kubikova: Interested in Czech beer? How is the beer made? Have you ever drunk a beer with Svejk? Over 400 sq.m. of beer experience!

271. Burlingame Museum of PEZ Memorabilia

214 California Dr (at Highland Ave), Burlingame, CA
Museum · Downtown Burlingame · 9 tips and reviews

Liz L.Liz Le: If you're a collector of PEZ or even a fan, the museum sells PEZ dispensers that have been discontinued.

272. The Bramah Museum of Tea and Coffee

40 Southwark St, London, Greater London
Restaurant · South Bank · No tips or reviews
International Vinegar Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

273. International Vinegar Museum

502 Main Street, Roslyn, SD
Museum · No tips or reviews
Wine Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

274. Wine Museum

Rua Luis Gonzago Gomes, 澳门, Municipality of Macau
History Museum · 6 tips and reviews

275. Museum of Drinking Water

思源街1號, 中正區, 臺北市
Museum · 6 tips and reviews

Yone L.Yone L: Museum of Drinking Water sounds underrated but has a nice ambience for photo taking and seeing the architecture from Taipei’s golden era

咖博館 coffee museum 民生東 is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

276. 咖博館 coffee museum 民生東

89 民生東路五段, 松山區, 臺北市
Café · No tips or reviews

277. Serbian Bread Museum

(Srpski muzej hleba Jeremija)
Braće Vidakovića 83, Pećinci, Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina
History Museum · 4 tips and reviews

Γιώργος Τ.Γιώργος Τζογανάκης: Lovely people, very nice place for learning Serbian tradition. Great tour and many items relating to bread

278. National Museum of Food

Crow St., Stowmarket, Suffolk
History Museum · 4 tips and reviews

Jenny S.Jenny Stewart: Large museum with lots to see. Mostly outdoors with exhibits in buildings dotted around the site.

Bee Story House Honey Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

279. Bee Story House Honey Museum

古坑鄉湳子路88號, Yün-lin, Yün-lin
Museum · No tips or reviews

280. Real Companhia Velha

Rua Azevedo Magalhaes 314, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto
Museum · 12 tips and reviews

Stefan T.Stefan Teixeira: The tour is amazing, it's awesome to learn the history about Porto wine. You can taste three types of wine in the end, they are all great. The prices in the shop are also good.

Museu Do Vinho Do Porto is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

281. Museu Do Vinho Do Porto

Rua da Reboleira 37, Porto, Porto
Museum · No tips or reviews

282. Chia Chi Lan Liquor Museum

宜蘭縣宜蘭市舊城西路3號, 大道里
Museum · No tips or reviews
German Salt Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

283. German Salt Museum

(Deutsches Salzmuseum)
Sülfmeisterstr. 1, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen
History Museum · No tips or reviews

284. Bar Absinthe

25, cours Masséna (Près du Marché Provençal), Antibes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Wine Bar · Coeur de Ville · 13 tips and reviews

Ami H.Ami H.: Back of shop and down stairs to the cellar to find the museum of absinthe-related artifacts


285. MOOseum

201 S Bainbridge St (at Adams Ave), Montgomery, AL
Museum · Downtown Montgomery · No tips or reviews
The US Presidential Culinary Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

286. The US Presidential Culinary Museum

301 Cleveland Ave (Chestnut Street), Grover, NC
Museum · 4 tips and reviews
Museo de la vid y el vino is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

287. Museo de la vid y el vino

Museum · 11 tips and reviews

Lucila F.Lucila Figueroa Gallo: Excelente presentación y trabajo! Muy educativo y completo además económico. ($10 turistas nacionales, abierto de 10 a 19:30 hs)

288. Fontalba

Ozamis sur 1650, Russell maipu, Mendoza
Museum · 4 tips and reviews

Cesar S.Cesar Sola: El museo del olivo y sus degustaciones guiadas

289. Museo Santiago Graffigna

Colón NORTE 1342 Desamparados, Ciudad de San Juan, San Juan
Winery · 3 tips and reviews

Alexandra S.Alexandra Shoshima: El museo y la historia de la familia son muy buenos!

290. Bodega La Rural

Winery · 17 tips and reviews

Federico M.Federico Marziali: Lindo recorrido par conocer el proceso de elaboración del vino. El museo tiene cosas muy interesantes. El vino es muy bueno y a precios acordes.

291. Casa Bacardi

Carr. 165 Km. 6.2,, Cataño, Cataño Municipio
Distillery · 108 tips and reviews

Patricia G.Patricia Gonzalez: A must see during your time in Puerto Rico, Casa Bacardí is home to world famous Bacardí Rum! Whether you opt to partake in a mixology class or do the tasting tour, you're sure to leave with a buzz.

Caffe Vittoria is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

292. Caffe Vittoria

296 Hanover St (btwn Parmenterr & Prince), Boston, MA
Café · North End · 143 tips and reviews

Alexandre M.Alexandre Munhoz: More like a coffee museum. Capuccino is pretty good, but it’s all about the place.

Burger Museum by Burger Beast is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

293. Burger Museum by Burger Beast

450 NW 37th Ave, @ Magic City Casino, Miami, FL
Museum · West Flagler · 2 tips and reviews

294. House of Angostura

Eastern Main Rd., Laventille, St. George
Brewery · 12 tips and reviews

Ree-An A.Ree-An A: Book a couple days ahead for weekday tours of the Angostura Rum and Bitters Museum. Tour times are 9.30am or 1.30pm, minimum 8 per group, US$10 a head, locals pay 50% less! Don't have 8? Still call.

Casa Jalisco Tequila Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

295. Casa Jalisco Tequila Museum

20 Av (e/ 17 y 19), Cozumel, QROO
Museum · No tips or reviews
Kaokao Chocolates is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

296. Kaokao Chocolates

1 bis, entre la 80 y la 85, Cozumel, Quintana Roo
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

297. Garum Biblioteca E Museo Della Cucina

Via dei Cerchi, 87, Roma, Lazio
History Museum · 1 tip

Ami H.Ami H.: Admission is free, visits by appointment only. Call or email:

298. Coppini Arte Olearia stabilimento

Str. del Grugno, 4, San Secondo Parmense, Emilia-Romagna
Factory · 1 tip

Ami H.Ami H.: Museum covering the history of olive oil and its production methods

299. Tony Packo's Cafe

1902 Front St (at Consaul St), Toledo, OH
Hot Dog Joint · Birmingham · 80 tips and reviews

Ami H.Ami H.: Super cool "hotdog bun" "museum" with the most rando collection of famous people autographs you could imagine on fake hotdog buns.. Youd be surprised how many tube steak lovers there are out there

Musée Du Fromage Cheddar is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

300. Musée Du Fromage Cheddar

148 Albert-perron, Saint-Prime, PQ
Museum · 3 tips and reviews
Musee De Fromage is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

301. Musee De Fromage

20 rue du Pont de Pierre, Chaource, Grand Est
History Museum · No tips or reviews
Museum of Cheese is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

302. Museum of Cheese

(Musée Du Fromage)
39 rue Saint-Louis en l'Île, Paris, Île-de-France
Museum · Notre-Dame · No tips or reviews

303. Sapporo Beer Museum

東区北7条東9-1-1 (サッポロガーデンパーク内), 札幌市, 北海道
Museum · 東区 · 45 tips and reviews

Ken v.Ken verb: Free museum with some info provided in English and cool architecture

Museo De La Chicha is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

304. Museo De La Chicha

Carrera 1a (Calle 12b Bis), Bogotá, Bogotá D.C.
Museum · La Candelaria · No tips or reviews

305. Zaharakos Ice Cream Parlor and Museum

329 Washington St (3rd Street), Columbus, IN
Ice Cream Parlor · 35 tips and reviews

Doc S.Doc Searls: Come for the museum it is, and the ice cream. The food is meh.

Southwest Dairy Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

306. Southwest Dairy Museum

1200 Houston St, Sulphur Springs, TX
Museum · No tips or reviews
Museo del Queso is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

307. Museo del Queso

Calle Barrionuevo Bajo, 7, Casar de Cáceres, Extremadura
Museum · No tips or reviews

308. Cyril Callister Vegemite Museum

23 Neill St, Beaufort, VIC
Museum · 1 tip

Ami H.Ami H.: All about the dude who invented Vegemite, Dr. Callister, Vegemite history, and Vegemite-inspired art

Sanshing Green Onion Culture Palace is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

309. Sanshing Green Onion Culture Palace

No. 41號, Section 2, Zhongshan Rd, 義德村
Museum · No tips or reviews
Mustard Mill Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

310. Mustard Mill Museum

83 Washington St, Eastport, ME
Museum · No tips or reviews

311. Maison du Gruyère

Route de Moléson (Place de la Gare), Pringy, Fribourg
Cheese Store · 36 tips and reviews

S A.S A: If you're curious about how cheese is made, this museum is the Fort Knox of Swiss cheese, explaining the process from milking to cheese production to aging.


312. BierMuseum

Buttermarkt 39, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gastropub · Altstadt-Nord · 12 tips and reviews
Musée du Vin de Bourgogne is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

313. Musée du Vin de Bourgogne

Rue d'Enfer, Beaune, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Museum · 2 tips and reviews

314. Historische Senfmühle - Kölner Senfmuseum

Holzmarkt 79-83, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gourmet Store · Altstadt-Süd · 14 tips and reviews
Düsseldorfer Senfladen is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

315. Düsseldorfer Senfladen

Berger Str. 29, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gourmet Store · Altstadt · 8 tips and reviews

316. Moutarderie Fallot

Rue du Faubourg Bretonnière, Beaune, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Factory · 8 tips and reviews

Silke H.Silke Henry: Nice guided visit in English and French with tasting at the end.

Historische Senfmühle is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

317. Historische Senfmühle

Endertstr. 18, Cochem, Rheinland-Pfalz
Gourmet Store · 7 tips and reviews

Robin B.Robin Bertels: 30 min. guided tours at 11AM, 2PM, 3PM and 4PM.

318. Tim Hortons

65 Ottawa St N (Dunsmure Rd.), Hamilton, ON
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews

Ami H.Ami H.: Tim Hortons museum upstairs

319. Durian King of Fruit

Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak (KOMTAR) (Level 3), Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Museum · No tips or reviews
American Prohibition Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

320. American Prohibition Museum

209 W Saint Julian St, Savannah, GA
Museum · Historic District-North · 7 tips and reviews
Cedartown Museum of Coca Cola is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

321. Cedartown Museum of Coca Cola

209 S Main St, Cedartown, GA
Museum · No tips or reviews
Waffle House Museum is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

322. Waffle House Museum

2719 E College Ave, Decatur, GA
Breakfast Spot · 3 tips and reviews
うずの丘 大鳴門橋記念館 is one of FOOD AND BEVERAGE MUSEUMS.

323. うずの丘 大鳴門橋記念館

福良丙936-3, 南あわじ市, 兵庫県
Science Museum · 2 tips and reviews