The cocktails we ordered were tasty and refreshing. A wide selection of cocktails served by friendly staff. The best bar that you can find in Nitra in my opinion
Awesome drinks and coffee. The owner and employees take care of a great quality of every inch of the bar. Servis is unique. If you want to see a special place of gastronomy in Nitra, this is a must!
Foursquare Day 2013 will take a place here at 6pm, 16. April 2013. Nitra is second slovak city hosting such an event! #4sqDayNita #socialmedia Read more
Vyborna kava, uzasna komorna atmosfera, skvela obsluha, lokalita a cena 1,20 za espresso mi pri vsetkych tychto pozitivach takmer vyrazila dych, samozrejme v dobrom :) urcite sa rad coskoro vratim