6063 Avenida Isla Verde, Carolina, Carolina Municipio
Hotel · 90 tips and reviews
Zack Sheppard: A giant casino, if gambling is your things. A full fledged mall if you want to do some shopping. Two full clubs (the lavish Brava and smaller Rose) if you need to dance. This hotel really has it all.
104 Calle Fortaleza (btwn Calle San Jose & Cristo), San Juan, San Juan
Caribbean Restaurant · Old San Juan · 154 tips and reviews
Zack Sheppard: Claims, along with the Hilton Caribe, to be the birthplace of the Piña Colada. Not sure there's is better than the Hilton's, but it's definitely easier to get to.
Alejandro Garcia: Beautiful historic hotel. It boasts several bars and restaurants, definitely worth a visit if only to have a drink in the heart of Old San Juan.
El Hotel San Juan (6063 Isla Verde Ave.), Isla Verde
Night Club · 43 tips and reviews
Alejandro Garcia: While bars, clubs and restaurants open and close all of the time in Puerto Rico, Brava remains constant. Good music and drinks, plus a certain charm ensure that it remains Puerto Rico's premier club