1. Woodland Park Zoo

601 N 59th St (btwn Phinney & Aurora), Seattle, WA
Zoo · Phinney Ridge · 115 tips and reviews

Sondra P.Sondra Patee: Bring your own food and get there early because the animals are more active and you find free parking in the residential areas saves you money I also recommend get zoo membership depending on visits !

Woodland Park Zoo is one of PAX PRIME 2014.

2. Woodland Park Zoo

601 N 59th St (btwn Phinney & Aurora), Seattle, WA
Zoo · Phinney Ridge · 115 tips and reviews

Sondra P.Sondra Patee: Highly recommended!Plan your animal list map then pack a lunch Get there Early when they open the animals are very active during the morning they sleep late after lunch tend to not be as active after.