5 places updated August 27, 2013
5 places including 盛岡七夕まつり, 盛岡花火の祭典, 舟っこ流し 会場, Morioka Sansa Odori Festival
6 places updated October 5, 2013
6 places including 盛南温泉 開運の湯, 鶯宿温泉の宿 赤い風車, Kyukamura Iwate-Amihari Onsen, Aishinkan
25 places updated January 19, 2014
25 places including 日本料理 利衛門, むら八 上田店, かわ広, 焼肉・冷麺ヤマト 盛岡本宮店
17 places updated August 27, 2013
17 places including 盛岡市子ども科学館, Iwate Museum of Art, Morioka Castle Site Park (Iwate Park), つどいの森
18 places updated
18 places including 菜遊記, 岩手山焼走り国際交流村, 盛岡八幡宮例大祭, 舟っこ流し 会場
12 places updated
12 places including ぴょんぴょん舎 稲荷町本店, ひな野 盛岡インター店, the EARLY BIRD cafe, 材木町 よ市