This collection is curated by Ms. Naomi Wilzig (shown in this picture of art). If you have an open-mind & enjoy art, history & love (making)🙊, browse 22 years of art collecting from this brave woman.
You're not allowed to take pictures. Since I was naive of this when I took this, you mind as well see this adorable door knocker that creates a kiss with every bang (no pun intended. I swear!) 💏 Kiss
This historical collection is humongous! People in the early 1900's were quite frisky. They even have furniture w/ an erotic theme. Society back then let it all hang out... literally. 👀🙊😳
Intriguing place. Make sure you have at least an hour to view the exhibit. There is an extensive collection of artwork that is both educational and fun to look at!
If you're a Kubrick fan, make sure to seek out the actual male prop used in the 1971 film "A Clockwork Orange," located in the large pieces room. Read more
My friend thought it would be fun bringing me there.. well... they were definitely eye catching.. I can’t say if it’s good or bad. It depends on your taste.. haha (ça dépend de ton goût)
As you stroll down Washington Avenue be sure to stop by! It's an experience of it's own. Don't miss the Rembrandt Collection! Not like you remember him from his other works.
Best of Miami 2013- Best Museum: World Erotic Art Museum. The only museum of its kind in the US. $15 for adults and $13.50 for students with ID. Read more
Фотографировать оказывается в музее нельзя:) но в целом, можно сослаться на незнание и отщелкать половину коллекции, в коллекции не хватает некоторой структуры, все в разброс
WEAM houses the greatest collection of erotica in the United States-- over 20 rooms and 12,000 square feet, the Museum contains ancient artifacts to contemporary art: "From Pompeii to Picasso"