Now that the renovation of the mall and RER/Metro station below has been completed in 2018, navigating throughout the centre is a lot easier with its 160+ stores to visit. Plenty of maps & help points
A giant shopping mall in the very heart of Paris. It might take you a few moments to figure out the elevator game. Great Monoprix and some of the usual brands. Fascinating architecture by P. Berger.
Convenient spot for a lot of shopping: fnac (electronics), Nike, movies at UGC, etc. but overall just crowded and feels like a basement -- because it is.
Be careful if you miss/forget anything there. The employees keep it. I left a Pandora bag when I payed and the employee kept it. She denied it and didn’t want to show security cameras.
noisy and not very good,however practical because it's in the centre of the city and has many shops (fnac, sephora, h&m, zara...) and a nice movietheatre
The place is dirty, noisy and messy. But it's very practical if you need to grab something on the go. You can find food, clothes, books, a movie theater and even… a pool! Follow the smell of chlorine.
Avoid this place if you can, it's the closest to thing to the Mall of America in Minneapolis. Instead there is some interesting architecture on the outside, worth taking a look.
Très central et très accessible. On y retrouve toutes les chaînes visibles ailleurs. Sans aucune valeur ajoutée donc. Dommage car le lieu rénové mériterait un peu d'exclusivités. Attention WC payants.
Les anciens retrouvent petit à petits leurs repères. Ancien QG;) Le Forum des Halles pour le shopping, se poser autour d'un verre, casser la croute... Et l'UGC, non loin. On est bien !
La plupart des marques st représentées. New Look, Sephora, Zara, très grand San Marina. En travaux actuellement plusieurs boutiques st fermées (Aldo, Mango) mais le nvo forum risque d'être très beau!
Если в самом центре Парижа вам нужно в туалет, в интернет, розетка... Ну, вы поняли. А также перекусить, что-то купить, посмотреть кино, сходить в библиотеку или в бассейн:)
Mode homme, mode femme, mode enfant, beauté, sport, cinéma, Westfield Forum des Halles a regroupé pour vous les dernières tendances. Shopping, détente, restauration, venez profiter de tous les avantages du Forum des Halles, votre centre de shopping au cœur de Paris.