An adventurous day in Budapest (2012)
Bambi Eszpresszó is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

1. Bambi Eszpresszó

Frankel Leó u. 2-4. (Bem József tér), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Víziváros · 65 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A vintage café with a history dating back to the sixtie. Satisfy your hunger while being surrounded by brainy intellectuals and an interior that hasn't been tinkered with for decades.

Vostro is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

2. Vostro

Krúdy Gyula u. 4. (Mikszáth Kálmán tér), Budapest, Budapest
Breakfast Spot · Budapest VII. kerülete · 75 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Nostro provides dishes and delicacies from all around the world, yummy homemade jams, and freshly-baked goods.

Kádár Étkezde is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

3. Kádár Étkezde

Klauzál tér 9., Budapest, Budapest
Hungarian Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 33 tips and reviews
Hummus Bar is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

4. Hummus Bar

Alkotmány u. 20 (Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út), Budapest, Budapest
Falafel Restaurant · Lipótváros · 59 tips and reviews
Plakátbolt is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

5. Plakátbolt

Paulay Ede utca 20., Budapest, Budapest
Art Gallery · Budapest VI. kerülete · 1 tip

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A cozy shop selling vintage posters of various themes and sizes, and a place where the price of a given poster is deteremined by its condition and rarity.

Szputnyik is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

6. Szputnyik

Dohány u. 20 (Síp u.), Budapest, Budapest
Boutique · Zsidónegyed · 2 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A stylish design boutique for time travellers and treasure hunters full of retro clothes, jewelry, shoes, bags, and bric-a-bracs that will certainly urge you to go on a binge.

7. Eclectick Desig Shop

Irányi utca 20, Budapest, Budapest
Boutique · Belváros · 1 tip

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A hub of alternative fashion and Hungarian designers characterized by an innovative attitude and limited edition products available in maximum three sizes.

Ludwig Múzeum is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

8. Ludwig Múzeum

Komor Marcell utca 1 (Laczkovich utca), Budapest, Budapest
Art Museum · Budapest IX. kerülete · 34 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Ludwig Museum displays trendsetting masterpieces of contemporary art in a spacious, sunlit interior pillared by marble and glass.

Underground Fear - Interaktív horror labirintus is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

9. Underground Fear - Interaktív horror labirintus

Bogdáni út 1-3., Budapest, Budapest
Theater · Budapest VII. kerülete · 6 tips and reviews
Pál-völgyi-barlang is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

10. Pál-völgyi-barlang

Szépvölgyi út 126., Budapest, Budapest
Cave · Csatárka · 17 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A showcave hidden in the steep hills of Buda that is well worth an excursion.

Margitszigeti padok is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

11. Margitszigeti padok

Margitsziget, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Budapest XIII. kerülete · 7 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Margaret Island provides a perfect scene for mind-refreshing walks, playing sports, sunbathing, or just sitting around. Take a seat on a tree-sheltered bench by the Danube, and enjoy the panorama!

Irgalmasok Veli Bej fürdője is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

12. Irgalmasok Veli Bej fürdője

Árpád fejedelem útja 7., Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Felhévíz · 43 tips and reviews
Wang Mester Kínai Konyhája is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

13. Wang Mester Kínai Konyhája

Gizella u. 46./A (Thököly út), Budapest, Budapest
Chinese Restaurant · Budapest XIV. kerülete · 52 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Wang is arguably the best Chinese restaurant in Budapest, alluring customers with a diverse menu built on the foundations of Eastern-Chinese cuisine.

Repeta Lakásétterem is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

14. Repeta Lakásétterem

Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 2 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Repeta. housed by the apartment of the chef’s grandfather, offers a cuisine philosophy based on the mixture of tradition and innovation, high-quality ingredients, and a 20th century vibe.

Pántlika Bisztró is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

15. Pántlika Bisztró

Városliget (Hermina út 47-tel szemben), Budapest, Budapest
Beer Garden · Városliget · 99 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Surrounded by the trees and joggers of Városliget, Pántlika is a retro spot reviving the atmosphere of the 70s. Hamburgers, Hungarian dishes, chirping birds, and acoustic music on-site.

Fellini Római Kultúrbisztró is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

16. Fellini Római Kultúrbisztró

Kossuth Lajos üdülőpart 5. (Losonc u.), Budapest, Budapest
Beach Bar · Óbuda · 80 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Concerts, cultural gatherings, nap-inducing deck chairs, Belgian beers, and a bike repair shop awaits pedestrians, bikers, and those arriving by bus, canoe, or aboard one of BKV's boats.

Csendes Társ Winebar & Garden is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

17. Csendes Társ Winebar & Garden

Magyar u. 18. (Ferenczy István u.), Budapest, Budapest
Wine Bar · Belváros · 50 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: You can choose from hundreds of wines, and simple, accompanying dishes are also aplenty. When the night falls, the green chairs and the shadows dancing in the candle light conjure a romantic vibe.

Cökxpôn Restart is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

18. Cökxpôn Restart

Horánszky u. 5, Budapest, Budapest
Arts and Entertainment · Budapest VII. kerülete · 3 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A cutting-edge ambient bar and a spiritual workshop where a coalition of artists united by their shared philosophy has been created. Cultural and enviromentalist events are also regular occurrences.

Corvin Club is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

19. Corvin Club

Blaha Lujza tér 1. (Somogyi Béla u.), Budapest, Budapest
Night Club · Budapest VII. kerülete · 89 tips and reviews
Klub Vittula is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

20. Klub Vittula

Kertész u. 4. (Dohány utca), Budapest, Budapest
Dive Bar · Zsidónegyed · 18 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: Housed by a ruin pub-ish cellar in lively Erzsébetváros, Vittula guarantees an unmatchable party experience and lasting memories. Nevermind what the name of the spot means.

21. Szeráj török étterem

Szent István krt. 13. (Honvéd u.), Budapest, Budapest
Turkish Restaurant · Lipótváros · 139 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: A Turikish fast food restaurant that is, at night, frequented by party-goers itching to satisfy their alcohol-induced hunger. Prices are moderate, and the dishes are more than OK.

Brody House is one of An adventurous day in Budapest (2012).

22. Brody House

Bródy Sándor u. 10., Budapest, Budapest
Hotel · Budapest VII. kerülete · 10 tips and reviews

We Love BudapestWe Love Budapest: This trendsetting hotel offers a host of differently designed and furnished rooms, apartments, and houses, while also providing rentable reception rooms.