Rock Club · Downtown Vancouver · 29 tips and reviews
Weegee Manlove: Every Saturday from 5 to 8 pm is a jam session. Bring out your instruments or vocals for a stage treat. You're especially lucky if you get the chance to jam with Scott Smith and Terminal City!
157 Alexander St (btwn Main & Columbia), Vancouver, BC
Beer Bar · Gastown · 105 tips and reviews
Weegee Manlove: An amazing craft beer selection! Note, this place is EXTREMELY popular. Wise to hit during off-peak hours (like not right after work) but they will take your cell number and call when a table is free
43 Hastings St W (btwn Abbott & Carrall), Vancouver, BC
Diner · Gastown · 91 tips and reviews
Weegee Manlove: For those of us who like "medium-rare" burgers, this is one of the few places in Vancouver that can cook them that way (they grind their own meat). The burgers are amazing.