Design elevator tour
Helsinki Central Railway Station is one of Design elevator tour.

1. Helsinki Central Railway Station

(VR Helsingin päärautatieasema)
Kaivokatu 1, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Rail Station · Kluuvi · 162 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: The escalator was modernized by inventive Finnish design by KONE.

Hotel Fabian is one of Design elevator tour.

2. Hotel Fabian

Fabianinkatu 7, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Hotel · Kaartinkaupunki · 22 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: The hotel has a special design elevator, check it out!

Hotel Haven is one of Design elevator tour.

3. Hotel Haven

Unioninkatu 17, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Hotel · Kaartinkaupunki · 30 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: The old elevators from 1963 were modernized in 2008 by KONE.

Akateeminen Kirjakauppa is one of Design elevator tour.

4. Akateeminen Kirjakauppa

Keskuskatu 1 (Pohjoisesplanadi 39), Helsinki, Uusimaa
Bookstore · Kluuvi · 76 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: 2 out of 3 elevators are KONE originals from 1969.

Stockmann is one of Design elevator tour.

5. Stockmann

Aleksanterinkatu 52 (Mannerheimintie), Helsinki
Department Store · Kluuvi · 189 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There are 38 KONE elevators, 56 escalators and 28 automatic doors in the building.

Kauppakeskus Kamppi is one of Design elevator tour.

6. Kauppakeskus Kamppi

Urho Kekkosen katu 1, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Shopping Mall · Kamppi · 97 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There are 45 KONE escalators and 32 elevators in the mall. Have you taken a ride in all, yet?

Eduskuntatalo is one of Design elevator tour.

7. Eduskuntatalo

Mannerheimintie 30, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Capitol Building · Etu-Töölö · 5 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There is a 12 basket paternoster elevator from 1930 in building. A classic by KONE.

Musiikkitalo is one of Design elevator tour.

8. Musiikkitalo

Mannerheimintie 13 A, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Concert Hall · Kluuvi · 24 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There are 11 Finnish design elevators in the building. Take a ride in at least one of them!

Sanomatalo is one of Design elevator tour.

9. Sanomatalo

Töölönlahdenkatu 2 (Elielinaukio), Helsinki, Uusimaa
Business Center · Kluuvi · 17 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There are five panoramic Finnish design elevators in the building. Make sure you enjoy the view!

Stadionin torni is one of Design elevator tour.

10. Stadionin torni

Olympiastadion (Paavo Nurmen tie 1), Helsinki, Uusimaa
Monument · Taka-Töölö · 14 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: When the tower was renovated in 2010-2011, the mini elevator was also renewed. Try it out and ride all the way to the top!

Helsinki Airport (HEL) is one of Design elevator tour.

11. Helsinki Airport (HEL)

(Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema)
Lentäjänkuja 1 (Lentoasemantie), Vantaa, Uusimaa
International Airport · Lentokenttä · 919 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: There are 63 Finnish design elevators and 20 escalators in the airport taking care of you vertical transportation needs. Enjoy the ride!

Tekniikan Museo / The Museum of Technology is one of Design elevator tour.

12. Tekniikan Museo / The Museum of Technology

Viikintie 1, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Science Museum · Viikinranta · 5 tips and reviews

WDC Helsinki 2012WDC Helsinki 2012: The elevator in the museum is a rarity from 1920. It was the 15th elevator in Finland and anyone can take a ride now.