"The fried chicken is spectacular here! It takes a good half hour to make, so call ahead. Shawarma is decent but not as great as the place a few blocks away..."
· Ottawa Division, Canada
6.8"There are 274 gum wad stains on the floor here! Fewer than 100 of them are mint."
Bus Station
· Ottawa, Canada
"Double-shot small Americano. This is how coffee is supposed to taste!"
"Buy a roasted chicken with your 3 terabyte hard drive!"
Warehouse or Wholesale Store
· Ottawa, Canada
8.0"Bite-size crispy sweet salty baby crab!? A little fishy but not bad."
· Ottawa, Canada
8.0"Bought a strip loin steak here, grilled it over maple charcoal at 650°F. It was the best steak I ever had anywhere!"