Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG) is one of Place.

1. Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG)

(Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin)
Jalan Raya Airport No. 1, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Airport · 1269 tips and reviews
Mal Ratu Indah is one of Place.

2. Mal Ratu Indah

Jalan Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 35 (Jl. Mawas), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Shopping Mall · Kel. Mamajang Luang, Kec. Mamajang · 166 tips and reviews
Pier 52 is one of Place.

3. Pier 52

Makassar Golden Hotel (MGH) (Jl. Pasar Ikan No. 52), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Café · 44 tips and reviews
Fireflies Coffee Pattimura is one of Place.

4. Fireflies Coffee Pattimura

Jalan Pattimura No. 5, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Café · 79 tips and reviews
SMA Katolik Rajawali Makassar is one of Place.

5. SMA Katolik Rajawali Makassar

Jalan Lamadukelleng No. 7, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
High School · 15 tips and reviews
Gereja Katolik Santo Fransiskus Assisi is one of Place.

6. Gereja Katolik Santo Fransiskus Assisi

Jl. Hertasning No. 102, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Church · 13 tips and reviews