6 places updated June 13, 2013
Samsung and Foursquare team up to help you discover great new places. http://foursquare.com/timemachine
10 places updated September 26, 2012
10 places including Smetanovy Sady, Bezručovy sady, BluesBar Garch, 9a Boulderbar
4 places updated August 22, 2011
4 places including BluesBar Garch, Krčma aneb Mařena v neckách, Ponorka - Hospoda U Musea, Vertigo
2 places updated August 22, 2011
2 places including Moritz, Městský pivovar Štramberk
6 places updated August 22, 2011
6 places including Smetanovy Sady, Bezručovy sady, Horní náměstí, Čechovy sady
2 places updated August 22, 2011
2 places including Večerka u Rybáře, Potraviny Klárka