Kyoto Bars
Reloom is one of Kyoto Bars.

1. Reloom

二丁目天満町456-2 2F (西木屋町通松原上る), 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Cozy cocktail bar by the river

BEER PUB TAKUMIYA is one of Kyoto Bars.


中京区船屋町400 (押小路東洞院西入ル), 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 13 tips and reviews

Lawrence L.Lawrence Lee: 10 craft beers on tap with 3 different size servings. The bartenders are nice and they make an awesome chicken karaage too.

Jijibaba Mokubatei is one of Kyoto Bars.

3. Jijibaba Mokubatei

京都市中京区西押小路町106, 中京区, 京都府
Sake Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Sake bar with an ususual food menu

Sfera Bar SATONAKA is one of Kyoto Bars.

4. Sfera Bar SATONAKA

弁財天町17 (縄手通新橋上ル西側 スフェラビル), 東山区, 京都府
Bar · 4 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Cool cocktail bar with good champagne cocktails.

ING is one of Kyoto Bars.

5. ING

中京区南車屋町288-201 (西木屋町通蛸薬師上る), 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 6 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Rolling Stones themed bar.

Asakura is one of Kyoto Bars.

6. Asakura

中京区上大阪町518-2 (大久ビル 2F (木屋町通三条上ル)), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 7 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Asakura has an English-speaking owner.

地酒Bar 膳 is one of Kyoto Bars.

7. 地酒Bar 膳

中京区衣棚61-1 (室町通三条西入 三笠ビル 5F), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Jizake Bar Zen specialises in local sake.

JAM HOSTEL Kyoto Gion + SAKEbar + Cafe is one of Kyoto Bars.

8. JAM HOSTEL Kyoto Gion + SAKEbar + Cafe

東山区定盤町170 (川端四条上る), 京都市, 京都府
Hostel · 4 tips and reviews
Kazu-BAR is one of Kyoto Bars.

9. Kazu-BAR

中京区備前島町309-5, 京都市, 京都府
Speakeasy · 12 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: On the 3rd floor of a back alley building with no signboard...

Brasserie Cafe ONZE is one of Kyoto Bars.

10. Brasserie Cafe ONZE

下京区斎藤町125 (木屋町通四条下る), 京都市, 京都府
Wine Bar · 7 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Popular wine bar open from 3pm to 1am

Kanga-an is one of Kyoto Bars.

11. Kanga-an

烏丸通鞍馬口東入ル278, 京都市, 京都府
Spiritual Center · 4 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Kanga-An has a bar hidden away in the temple.

SAYURA VINS FINS is one of Kyoto Bars.


祇園町南側570-120, 京都府
Wine Bar · 1 tip

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Well regarded and elegant wine bar in a machiya. Specialises in French wines.

Bar Calvador is one of Kyoto Bars.

13. Bar Calvador

中京区妙満寺前町446 若林ビル 2F (若林ビル 2F), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 3 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Never seen such an impressive collection of Calvados in my life

BAR KUGEL is one of Kyoto Bars.


東山区常盤町161-3 (大和大路通四条上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Wine Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Champagne bar with 120 varieties in stock.

Gion Samboa is one of Kyoto Bars.

15. Gion Samboa

祇園町南側570, 京都府
Bar · 4 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Gion Samboa is a cocktail bar

Takahashi is one of Kyoto Bars.

16. Takahashi

高材木町228 (四条高倉下る東側 京阪ビル2階), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 3 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Takahashi is a modern sake bar with good snacks.

Hello Dolly(ハロードーリィ) Jazz & Whiskey is one of Kyoto Bars.

17. Hello Dolly(ハロードーリィ) Jazz & Whiskey

中京区松本町161 (先斗町通四条上る), 京都市, 京都府
Whisky Bar · 31 tips and reviews

Nadira I.Nadira Ilana: They have a wide collection of jazz LPs. You can also request songs from a really thorough list! A must for jazz lovers.

Bar Cask is one of Kyoto Bars.

18. Bar Cask

中京区下樵木町2-203 (先斗町通四条上ル 高喜ビル 2F), 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 6 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Friendly craft beerpub on Pontocho with a good selection of local craft brews.

Bar Rocking Chair is one of Kyoto Bars.

19. Bar Rocking Chair

下京区橘町434-2 (御幸町通仏光寺下る), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 20 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Bar Rocking Chair is a popular cocktail bar. Closed Tues

WINE BAR Piacere is one of Kyoto Bars.

20. WINE BAR Piacere

東山区祇園北側末吉切通下ル西側 ロイヤルビル祇園2F, 京都市, 京都府
Wine Bar · 1 tip

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Small wine bar specialising in Italian wines. Closed Sun

舶来酒 Absurd (旧BAR 探偵) is one of Kyoto Bars.

21. 舶来酒 Absurd (旧BAR 探偵)

左京区田中里ノ内町26, 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 3 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Bar Tantei is a detective themed bar

Bar K6 is one of Kyoto Bars.

22. Bar K6

中京区木屋町二条東入ル ヴァルスビル (二条通木屋町東入ル), 京都市, 京都府
Whisky Bar · 17 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Good whiskey bar

Bungalow is one of Kyoto Bars.

23. Bungalow

下京区柏屋町15 (四条堀川東入), 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 45 tips and reviews

Clarissa F.Clarissa Ferreira: Great selection of japanese craft beer. Cool vibe and staff. Kinda disappointed with the potato salad though.

Shomin is one of Kyoto Bars.

24. Shomin

(立ち飲み 庶民)
下京区四条大宮町18-6, 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 58 tips and reviews

GrantlandGrantland: This place is awesome! Super friendly staff, cheap prices, and awesome food and drinks. Standing room only and it gets really packed, but its worth it to immerse yourself in Kyoto.

PUB Karr is one of Kyoto Bars.

25. PUB Karr

松ヶ枝町456安楽ビル2階 (河原町六角西入る), 京都市, 京都府
Gastropub · 4 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Popular beer bar with beers from all over

Beer Bar Miyama 162 is one of Kyoto Bars.

26. Beer Bar Miyama 162

中京区鍋屋町232, 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 12 tips and reviews

Nikita K.Nikita Kursov: A cosy little gem offering a nice selection of beers and a view of the riverside.

Yuuki Gion is one of Kyoto Bars.

27. Yuuki Gion

(遊亀 祇園店)
東山区富永町111-1, 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 11 tips and reviews

Alex F.Alex Flo: Authentic Sake Bar with very good quality products, full with locals and friendly with us as turists. We loved the Tuna sashimi, but there are some things that are not on the enligsh menu - just ask

Kyogoku Stand is one of Kyoto Bars.

28. Kyogoku Stand

中京区中之町546 (新京極通り四条上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 19 tips and reviews

अनुराग D.अनुराग D: One of those old bars with a Great collection of sake. English menu available upon request. Bar food is good. Quick service. Smoking is allowed.

KYOTO STAR BAR is one of Kyoto Bars.


中京区材木町185-5, 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 5 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Buried in a little alley off Pontocho

ATLANTIS is one of Kyoto Bars.


中京区四条先斗町上ル松本町161, 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 7 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: The patio is lovely in spring - open May to Sept

BEFORE 9 is one of Kyoto Bars.

31. BEFORE 9

中京区烏丸御池上ル二条殿町545 (烏丸御池上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 13 tips and reviews

Rachel D.Rachel Davies: Really cool place. Only opened recently but does a great selection of craft beer and sake. Often has tap take-overs too. Great snacks.

nokishita711 is one of Kyoto Bars.

32. nokishita711

下京区船頭町235 (集まりB), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 39 tips and reviews

Stefan L.Stefan Lesser: It's a small bar with only four seats, but awesome cocktails and G&Ts, with a large collection of gins and tonics to choose from.

bar&salon SAMGHA is one of Kyoto Bars.

33. bar&salon SAMGHA

中京区山田町526 (油小路錦上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 5 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Quite, upscale whiskey and beer bar. The back room offers traditional mat seating. This place has a great ambiance that embodies more of a traditional Japan and less of the touristy areas of Kyoto.

Hachi - Record Shop and Bar is one of Kyoto Bars.

34. Hachi - Record Shop and Bar

(Hachi Record Shop and Bar)
下京区平居町19 (五條製作所 1-2F), 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 1 tip

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Craft beer and sake bar with good music

Yoramu is one of Kyoto Bars.

35. Yoramu

中京区松屋町35-1 (二条通東洞院東入ル), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 9 tips and reviews

James G.James Gray-King: Love this place - learned a lot about the sake we were tasting and the bartender was enthusiastic to share his thoughts. A great place to go!

Man in the Moon 祇園店 is one of Kyoto Bars.

36. Man in the Moon 祇園店

東山区清本町376 (星の子ビル 1F), 京都市, 京都府
Pub · 9 tips and reviews

Denise S.Denise S: Beer is expensive, around 1000 yen a pint, but it’s a good selection. Nachos are very a good choice to have some food. Service is the best. They don’t take cards, just cash.

Tanagocoro is one of Kyoto Bars.

37. Tanagocoro

万寿寺中之町94, Shimogyō, 京都府
Sake Bar · 1 tip

Hiro Y.Hiro Yamaguchi: 白おでん、黒おでん、頼むべし

Sake Bar Terayama is one of Kyoto Bars.

38. Sake Bar Terayama

下京区綾小路通足袋屋町317-11, 京都市, 京都府
Japanese Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Sake bar created by a chef from a famous traditional Japanese restaurant. Buried in a tiny alley off Pontocho

Sakunoma is one of Kyoto Bars.

39. Sakunoma

木屋町13番路地 (てるや小路東入ル), 中京区, 京都府
Sake Bar · 1 tip

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Hidden pub in Pontocho with a large food menu

Bar Hachimonjiya is one of Kyoto Bars.

40. Bar Hachimonjiya

木屋町通四条上ル鍋屋町209-3 (木屋町岡本ビル 3F), 中京区, 京都府
Dive Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Dive bar owned by a famous photographer. Fav haunt of artists.

酒場 井倉木材 is one of Kyoto Bars.

41. 酒場 井倉木材

上京区薮之内町77-1 (下長者町通西洞院東入ル), 京都市, 京都府
Sake Bar · 3 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Sakaba Ikuramokuzai is a standing sake bar with good food

Bar Ixey is one of Kyoto Bars.

42. Bar Ixey

(喫酒 幾星)
弁財天町15 (スペース新橋 3F東), 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Hidden cocktail bar with a very talented bartender. Might need a recommendation from another bar

Jazz in Rokudenashi is one of Kyoto Bars.

43. Jazz in Rokudenashi

(JAZZ IN ろくでなし)
下京区木屋町通四条下る斎藤町127 (アークビル 2F), 京都市, 京都府
Dive Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Excellent jazz bar in Gion. No live music but an immense record collection on vinyl

CRAFTHOUSE KYOTO 七条高瀬川 is one of Kyoto Bars.


下京区木屋町通七条東入ル大宮町221, 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 2 tips and reviews

Mael V.Mael V: Craft beer and sake are fantastic! And the staff is super friendly and speaks English!

TAKANOYA is one of Kyoto Bars.


中京区蒔絵屋町255, 京都市, 京都府
Gastropub · 4 tips and reviews

Edgar C.Edgar Castaño: Another great craft beer place in Kyoto with 10 taps with local beer. The food and the stuff are great as well!

Turquoise Bar is one of Kyoto Bars.

46. Turquoise Bar

下京区四条下る斎藤町138−5, 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 3 tips and reviews

Vedrana P.Vedrana Plestic: Lovely bar with no menu but drinks are made based on what you like 👌🏼

L'Escamoteur is one of Kyoto Bars.

47. L'Escamoteur

下京区斎藤町138-9 (西石垣通四条下ル), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 37 tips and reviews

Ashley R.Ashley Rose: Adorable 2nd floor cocktail bar- or is it magic shoppe?! Walk up the flight of stairs to find out what treats Christophe and team have in store for you.

48. WINE BAR marco

京都府京都市下京区市之町246-38, 京都市, 京都府
Wine Bar · 1 tip

Scott M.Scott Mason: A hidden gem with a romantic feel. Knowledge counts and the service has it.