DO NOT TAKE THE RESERVATION FOR 5 O'CLOCK !! You wouldn't have the time to do the whole visit : the museum closes at 6 and the audio visit takes at least one hour and a half...
But once you leave your bag in cloak room, many people rushed into and hang over the night bar with live DJmusic. So exposition hall is less terrible than other places.
Dictation mistakes in their English signs. I detected two so far. First sign on first floor of the exhibition and again on the second floor. It's a shame!!!
Your new queueing system is the worst. I hold a museumkaart and I've been queueing for over 30 minutes, what's then the benefit of having tickets or musumkaart in advance?
A very large collection of Van Gogh's works, but even with a timed entry system there are far too many people inside at once. Go to Rijksmuseum or Rembrandt House museum instead.