Sølvgade 48-50 (Øster Voldgade), København, Region Hovedstaden
Art Museum · Østerbros · 85 tips and reviews
Otel.com: Also known as the National Gallery of Denmark, this place is where you'll enjoy three great collections (Painting and Sculpture, Graphic Art, and Plaster Cast). Closed on Mondays.
Frederiksholms Kanal 12, København K, Region Hovedstaden
History Museum · Indre By · 122 tips and reviews
Francesco Minciotti: Hey've got The best prehistorical Danish museum section I've ever experienced. Medieval section rather old and decay, need improvements. They use Twitter and foursquare actively, though: really cool!
Troels A.: This is the area in Copenhagen that rocks the most. Istedgade as the main street becomes interesting once you gets past the porn shops near the train station...