this side of istanbul is the Asiain part and it's totally different than Europeian part price is good, restaurants with limit, i like it more .. has girl tower don't miss it👌🏻😉
One of the best point against European side of Istanbul. Do not forget to visit Mihribah Sultan Mosque one the best masterpiece of Great Architecture Mimar Sinan.
Âziz Mahmud Hüdâyî prompted by sailors of the Ottoman Empire to visit his grave before going to sea. His dua "Those who visit us when we are alive, and those who visit our grave after our death and...
Best bet if you need to get to the European side and there's traffic on the bridges. With the "motor"s you'll quickly get to Besiktas (even after midnight) Kabatas and a number of other places.
And visiting Azîz Mahmûd Hüdâyî grave & mosque who is amongst the most famous sufi ermiş (Muslim saint) of the Ottoman Empire. If you will visit and make dua you'll never down at sea & suffer poverty
read the Fatiha when passing by our tomb are ours. May those who love us not drown at sea, may they not suffer poverty in their old age, may they not pass away without saving their faith,"