3 places updated January 31, 2022
3 places including Olio Pizza, True Man, Розмарин
4 places updated May 31, 2020
4 places including Пан Марципанъ, Айвенго / Aivengo, Chaplin, Платформа 9 3/4
4 places updated January 24, 2019
4 places including Polyana, Zhizn Zamechatelnikh Lyudey, Вільний простір «Циферблат», The Burger Mexico
8 places updated
8 places including DRUZI cafe & bar, Izone / Izolyatsia, The Burger Mexico, Prego Café
73 places updated
73 places including Велес, Pravda. Beer Theatre, Kopernik Cinema, L'amour De Trois. Млинці, Вино, Кіно