
1. Menja Aqui

12 avenue Torre d'en Sorre, Argelès-sur-Mer, Occitanie
Tapas Restaurant · Le Racou · 11 tips and reviews

Ben F.Ben Freeman: Go for the sample menu. Lots of food and variety. Wifi password is the phone number.

2. Plage Boramar

Plage Boramar, Collioure, Occitanie
Beach · 8 tips and reviews

Mark B.Mark Brill: Collioure is the most beautiful town in the region. Famously visited by artists including Matisse, Durin and Picasso, it has a lot of charm. And great anchovies.

Can Pla is one of angeles.

3. Can Pla

7 Rue Voltaire, Collioure, Occitanie
French Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Tobias G.Tobias Grönberg: Excellent dishes inspired by the Catalan cuisine, first and foremost the seafood but we also tried the lamb which was really good aswell.