City Walls (Micklegate Bar to Barker Tower) is one of York.

1. City Walls (Micklegate Bar to Barker Tower)

York, North Yorkshire
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip
Clifford's Tower is one of York.

2. Clifford's Tower

Tower St. (At Eye of York), York, North Yorkshire
Historic and Protected Site · 34 tips and reviews
National Railway Museum is one of York.

3. National Railway Museum

Leeman Rd, York, North Yorkshire
Science Museum · 70 tips and reviews
City Walls (Monkgate to Bootham) is one of York.

4. City Walls (Monkgate to Bootham)

Monkgate Bar to Bootham Bar, York
Historic and Protected Site · 8 tips and reviews
York Castle Museum is one of York.

5. York Castle Museum

Eye of York (off Tower St.), York, North Yorkshire
Museum · 32 tips and reviews
York Minster is one of York.

6. York Minster

Minster Yard, York, North Yorkshire
Church · 60 tips and reviews