Наталья Сергиенко: Великолепно! И "атмосфера", и продуманность устройства. Только не забудьте, что это все-таки святыня для буддистов. Отнеситесь к этому с уважением :))
Katrina: My opinion that this is the cleanest and nicest beach in HK. Tons of ppl on weekend but awesome on weekday. Umbrella and chairs rental, drinks and snacks, etc are cheaper on weekdays too.
Sophia Chen: Big love. A western style town in Hongkong. If you walk a bit far from the main road, you can probably get a beach for yourself. Enjoy it.
Largo da Torre de Macau, 澳门, Municipality of Macau
Scenic Lookout · 76 tips and reviews
Vadim: Исходя из личного опыта, прыгать лучше днём и заранее бронировать время. Вечером на открытой площадке около 1 часа ждать прыжка холодновато (прыгал осенью), но впечатления ярче ;)
Aimée Yen: Awesome coffee house in Macau! Super small and hidden but cute as hell! Friendly staff & charming atmosphere! Defiantly beats the Starbucks crowds and it's an excellent cup of freshly brewed coffee!
MacauExpat: Cuppa Coffee not only sells great coffee but also eggs tarts made by a Portuguese bakery. They are the original "nata". Try these delicious treats with a latte.
Historic and Protected Site · Santo António · 24 tips and reviews
Matt Ta-Min: Nice views of the city from this historic monument. A must see historic sight for Macau. A world away from the bright lights of the casino's.